Ok, now I find a Poll I can Beleive In

Oct 10, 2008 20:56

Possibly The Most Accurate Presidential Poll We'll See
by darinw
Fri Oct 10, 2008 at 06:40:47 PM PDT

Rasmussen? Zogby? DKos Tracking Poll? Nope. 7-Eleven:

During this promotion that runs through Tuesday, Nov. 4 (Election Day), 7-Eleven invites Americans to pour their favorite hot beverage into either a red 20-ounce cup for Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain, or a blue 20-ounce cup for Democratic candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, and cast their cups for their preferred candidate. The colored cups also have the candidates’ names printed on them. Undecided customers need not choose sides - “unmarked” 7-Eleven hot beverage cups will still be available as well as a bipartisan red, white and blue Big Gulp® fountain drink cups featuring both the donkey and elephant party symbols.

This is a poll of folks who buy their coffee at 7-Eleven - that cuts across a pretty wide demographic (including, but not limited to, hockey moms and Joe six-packs). Read on to see how their polls square with actual results.

The "7-Election" polling (as they call it) was done in 2000 and 2004, and while their corporate legal team is quick to dismiss their technique as "unabashedly unscientific", the results are nonetheless pretty interesting:
2000 election*Presidential candidate  U.S. voters  7-Election voters  George W. Bush47.9%51.2%Al Gore48.4%48.9%2004 electionGeorge W. Bush50.7%51%John Kerry48.3%49%*Al Gore won the popular vote

And the current results? As of this moment, it's shaping up to be a landslide:
Presidential candidate  7-Election voters  Barack Obama59.32John McCain40.68
New motto for 2012: "where 7-Eleven goes, the country goes".

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