Aug 10, 2006 22:23
Long time no journal...well mostly because I've been too busy. The last few nights I've gone, hey I really need to write one of these, but by that time I usually have to be off.
As for news theres a lot I guess. It's become sac month, I've had A Spec Sac and Applic task, a media thingo, English writing folio, Accounting sac and I still have an accoutning sac tomorrow and another english thing next week...and who knows what after that.
Then theres next year. I got that vtac guide, had a read, found out how many ways there is to say media to make different courses...I've decided a path though. Actuarial...problem...I need 85 ENTER and a 37 in's been odd gauging peoples reactions of this. Close friends like Jono have said not likely, others have said no problem if you apply yourself...not sure what they mean by applying myself but if it's anything more that what I'm already doing, screw it...but yeah....all year I was thinking I was going to clear anything I want by 10%, and now I have something that could clear me by ten percent if I do badly...
As for the relationship front there is zippo movement...not only have I found out there is nothing to develop on with Alicia...but if it hadn't been hit home hard enough she's got a boyfriend now.
As for Kyee...I think it's fading, sure she's always popping inside my head still, but half the time I can just not feel bad by considering them fond maybe theres hope for me yet...I still wish I could just rub it out completely though...
Theres also what happened yesterday at triv. Nikki's new boyfriend Josh was thrown off by Nikki chucking one of her depressed fits and I got a huge insight into his really threw me off...the biggest bit being Nikki could of put herself into danger by being his girlfriend.
So what does that leave me with, busy now, stress about the future, no relationships outlook and a worry for one of my closest friends...I think I'd go insane if I didn't have Guitar Hero...