(no subject)

Feb 26, 2003 04:31


ok. i am finally ready to post about the show, since TWW shows are one of the only things that keep me alive in this world, and i always feel incredible after the experience.

i told myself i would not miss this show because the last time i had seen wires (and the last hardcore show i had been to) had been skatefest, and that was back in september. i needed the wires really badly, to say the least. and needless to say, i wasn't disappointed.

i e-mailed omar on friday night in hopes that he would check it so he could come with me. he, fortunately, was on AIM and i informed him of the show and everything. good timing. so he came on saturday and we got going to allston, completely unaware of where ICC church was.

so first of all, it's raining. lots of raining is happening. and we're in sweatshirts. and we're walking in allston, searching for ICC church. we find two churches that aren't ICC, and then go to burger king and eat something. we feel like shit and are soaked from that fucking awful rain. omar even suggests leaving and coming back with directions, which is completely illogical - walk BACK to ALLSTON?! right. i think not. fortunately, we go into new england comics and ask the girl at the counter about the location of ICC, and she thankfully knows and guesses we're going to the show. she was super cool and very helpful. thank god for comicbook geeky chicks.

so we get there and some nameless generic whiny pop-punk/"emo" band is crying into a microphone, but everything looks good. the venue's spacey, and we're only three hours late. that shaves off about 4 or 5 other nameless generic pop-punk bands! whoopee! so we go upstairs, talk to jamie from wires a bit, and sit down. then matt, singer of SWAH (currently dead), comes up and sits down next to us and we talk about shitty pop-punk bands and metalcore and etc. very cool dude. we never really knew him, sort of knew him from playing that show with SWAH, so talking to him was cool. i hope to see him at some other shows.

yeah, so we eventually go down a couple of times, see shitty rock bands. omar and i went to the sub shop across the street and drank soda. came back, see this band called closer than kin who played fast hardcore and had that this one shitty sing-y punk song that no one danced to. we got bored, and then i realized that i had left my wires shirt back at the sub shop and cursed myself. so omar and i left ICC and went back to the sub shop, i the whole time hoping that hardcore kids were cool and wouldn't steal my wires shirt, and thankfully, matt and ben from SWAH were there and had put the shirt on hold. i was very grateful, needless to say.

so omar and i decide to sit and talk with matt and ben. ben turns out to be very cool, yet again a kid we only know from the show with SWAH. he is also a lot more metal than jonah will be. no sissy indie shit for ben, no sir. so omar, matt, ben, and i talk about drowningman, and i sit there and listen to them list of metal and metalcore bands. i found out that jamie jasta's a fucking wifebeater. fuck him. hatebreed sucks anyway. so we talk and it's cool because we're missing some more fucking shitty pop-punk bands and talking about bands that are infinitely better than those whiny little fucks could ever be. i'm sorry, i am so tired of pop-punk and "emo" in general. repetitive, generic garbage about relationships, phonecalls, and road trips. FUCK YOU.

okay, so enough of that. good talk with matt and ben, two very nice, very cool people. and we all walked back to ICC and awaited wires. we met sam and the rest of the crew and i actually X-up with sam's blue permanent marker. it felt odd at first, but i got comfortable with it. this marks (ahem) my first time publicly announcing my straightedge-ness. it feels good. i asked sam to write "hate edge" on my knuckles after i saw his brilliant "cunt face" on his own. LOL.

so next up we saw kid eternal, who put on an excellent show (as always), and this time they got a response they deserved. sam and i danced a bit and showed some x pit pride x for matt and his comrades. and i recall one really fat kid with really weird hair and his metal head brother trying to interrupt our dance with their mosh (making the pit negi, of course). and, of course, us kid eternal fans had to make it known that push-pits are fucking lame. i recall one of the kids next to me simply looking at the fat metalhead kid with this utter look of disbelief, as if asking the stupid kid "what the fuck are YOU DOING?!" and they stopped. fuckin' crucial pit justification like a motherfucker.

so, KE finished and we were satisfied. also was able to borrow from sam and buy the KE's LP. forgot to pay him back.

bleh. so time passes and we're getting really antsy for wires, and the whole pack of us (omar, jonah, sam, ben, matt, and a couple more friends) start dancing for this horrible "emo" band smackin isaah or something, and it's just hilarious. makes me chuckle just thinking of it. woooooo...

but then it's over and we take our seats right at the front of the room and just camp there as the band sets up. and then there were wires finally gets set up and are ready to GO! wheeeeee!!! and they start with a new song that is simply epic in its execution, slowly building up to this hypnotic, wall-of-noise climax, and we're all swaying and jamie screams at different intervals. it was really awesome. then they go into "it will be..." and i finally know the lyrics. fun. i think at this point i'm thrusted (by the crowd and by my own efforts) to the front, right between jamie and jebb. it is simply the best location to be at during a TWW show (and any hardcore show, for that matter), because you can freely grab jamie and scream at him, or watch the band rock out. and you're basically free to move around. and as a bonus, you're pretty much guaranteed to be in every shot of every photo and video of the show! ahahahaahaha

yeah, so they go through "the hours", good as always. jamie makes a small comment about the movie of the same name, but i can't recall just what he said. tongue-in-cheek, no doubt. but, anyway, after the hours, they go through three or four new songs, just rocking out. and even though it should've felt not nearly as good as other shows they've played where everyone knew the songs, it was still fun as hell. just watching them play is incredible. watching jamie go through all his spasms and watching his eyes bulge and his mumbling is entertainment enough. but it was awesome, especially considering the unfamiliarity of the songs. in the middle of their string of new songs, i recall someone demanding an old song, and then jebb or jamie replying "oh, a NEW one? okay, a NEW ONE it is!" haha.

and then they go into "lukewarm happy" (as i saw beforehand on their setlist on the floor) and we all go nuts, as usual. and then they're basically finished. i feel a bit unsatisfied, as i'm sure everyone else does, and i hear someone moan and say something about playing one more song, so i start to scream "encore!" and everyone catches on. and a bit hesitant, the wires give eachother these funny looks. jamie says that the drummer's tired, but we persist. in the end, they submit to our demands.

"so what song do you want us to play?" it's an obvious answer.
"physics of air hockey!"

and so they play "cru jones". much to my delight. the OTHER song i finally knew the words to! whoopee! and we all go insane (accordingly) and scream and grab eachother. much fun.

afterwards i give jamie a big sweaty hardcore hug and compliment jebb and he just refuses my handshake and gives me a hug. fucking cool guy. fucking awesome band. afterwards i was able to procure the setlist, which now is taped proudly to my wall.

i love being a part of there were wires' history, of their existence. i love being there for every one of their incredible shows, to be there screaming the lyrics, the tall awkward fat kid with a beard always there to support them. i love the feeling i get when i'm on the floor with them and all the kids. it's incredible. it's warm and it's empowering.

too many people simply list hardcore shows off as another show, another day. FUCK THAT. these shows are so important to me, to my well-being, to my humanity, to my happiness. i may come off as melodramatic, but rest assured i'm not. i live a shitty, pointless existence, but hardcore shows are just one of the things in life that seem to give meaning to my existence. i'm happy i have this, and i want to be part of this for years to come.

and so concludes another incredible life experience, compliments of there were wires, sweaty hardcore hugs, and hot basements.

New Doom
It Will be Better than the Rest of Your Life
The Hours
Intro/Get Cryptic
Black Magic Rabbit
His Talk Her Teeth
Lukewarm Happy
(Encore) Cru Jones
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