One of the annoying things about not being properly online most of the time is not being able to properly follow the news when it's interesting - as it has been recently. At the Iain M. Banks/Ken MacLeod event in Balloch* last Friday, they were wondering whether or not there might be a revolution of sorts in progress. Maybe... At least PR is now
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Regarding the accountants' fees - it is fair enough for an MP, perhaps, to use an accountant. Not so sure it is fair enough for the accountants' fees to be paid out of the public purse. In any other business or job, if you get an accountant to do your expenses for you, you pay it, I don't see why MPs should be different for it.
I suppose the paper's insinuations are that if they didn't have anything to hide they wouldn't need accountants? That will probably work, because most people don't use accountants and won't understand why anyone should need them. Definitely, when it comes to the insinuations it's makind as opposed to the actual facts, the paper is not trustworthy.
Think for themselves? Aren't the schools weeding that out?
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