Nov 04, 2008 08:41
I love Minnesota. They may require you be damn near death or out of the country for absentee ballots (Angie got one since she's in Maine right now), but they make up for it in ease of voting.
I left the house about 10 minutes to 8am. I walked back into my house at 8:20. Love it. They had about 12 booths, and another five or six clipboards if you didn't want the privacy shields. I ended up in the wheel chair booth. The longest wait for me was to have my name checked off on the registry (10 people in front of me). It took less time in the ballot line (about 40 people) and the actually booth line (about 15 people). There was about 40 people on the other side of the gym in the same day registration lines. I'd say at any given time there was about 200 people in the gym.
I actually ran into Chase, my neighbor upstairs. She had finished voting and saw me waiting in the A-H line. She had registered already too, but Dang (her husband) hadn't, so he's going to head to the polls later. I found out why Dang limps, seems he had childhood polio! He wears a leg brace. I really like Chase, she seems so nice.
I have to tell you, they have the registered voters signature sheets grouped in A-H, I-P, Q-X, and Y-Z. They have three people manning the table. Apparently they think the Y-Z two pages doesn't need their own line ::snerk:: But all my voting in this precinct (2002 is when I moved here) the A-H line is the ONLY line that has people waiting. It's bizarre.
I voted for Democrats. Obama is the natural choice. And I hate Coleman (the incumbent republican senator) so Frankin was a duhh vote for me. They also had a constitutional referendum to fund water, wildlife, cultural heritage and the arts. I voted yes for that too.
I actually researched the candidates for judges and county water and soil commissioners. There are some DAMN scary people running against the incumbent judges. I usually just don't vote for those positions. But I felt like I had the info to make the choices this time. They made it real easy for me, one person I selected was named Humphrey and the other was Bogue. Very easy mnemonic. Bwahah.
/me proud voter!