I can't believe how much of a sporting coma I have. Between the Olympics and Tour de France, I'm completely hosed.
Gymnastics scoring is whacked. Completely. I have to say I prefer the men's events more than women's. But I don't know if it's that much better scoring-wise.
My cat is waking me up at about 7:45 every morning for the Olympics. Ok so she wants me to get up and feed her. This morning she started licking my arm-pit at some time before I got up at 7:45am. I looked at the clock and asked her what the hell time she licked me, because I was so bleary-eyed, I thought it had to be near 10:30. ::shrug::
I'm still loving my apartment. I love the process of opening and closing the curtains every day. ::smile:: Just feels right. My folks are coming over for dinner tomorrow. It's Dad's birthday. He hasn't seen it since I actually set up house.
I'm going to go finish paint the walls of the bathroom in a few minutes. Mom "helped" me paint the first coat the other day. I was far from happy with the results. So I'm going to do it correctly tonight. She LOVES the color. I'm happy with it. I wanted more of a red tone. To me it's just a medium neutral brown. Eh. Not quite babyshit brown, but not too far off. ::grin:: But it does look stately with the tile. I'm going to let the whole thing dry really well over the next week or so and then I'm going to fix the errors on the ceiling that are driving me nuts. I didn't like the paint I used for it to begin with, and the brown splotches near the wall just put it over the edge. I used old paint from the basement for the ceiling (the primer was in the basement too, but it was just fine). My landlord doesn't use cheap paint. But I guess old paint is just old paint.
I have yet to type up my notes from my trip. Not to mention the t-shirt design I volunteered to do for the Maya Society. Oh and I have to clean up the books for the Maya Society too. Oh and review the bylaws. ::groan:: And I've not even read up on my flist from before I left. ::headdesk:: I suck. My life is insane. But I'm hoping the insanity will stop as soon as I get the last bit set up at home. The office is still in boxes.
But first... the MN State Fair starts on Thursday. I shall let you know what I think of the new fair-food (Piglickers in particular - bacon coved in dark chocolate).
BTW, speaking of flist, anyone heard from
qill13? I wondered if surgery was indicated or if she just escaped with bland food pronouncement.