Jul 14, 2008 13:01
Let's see. I've moved. I've started to unpack. I've tortured my cat with vet visits. I've watched endless hours of Tour de France. I've worked.
So, normal July? ::headdesk::
OMG, I'm so damn tired. I've bearly registered the last two weeks. I've been meaning to post. I tried write my thoughts of the DW finale, but never could finish it. I still have it saved to my harddrive, maybe soon.
I did managed to see Kung Fu Panda last week. Mom, Sandi and I went Thursday. Mom even said she'd actually see another movie with Sandi and I. Heheh. We tend to be a bit childish. Let's just say Sandi and I enjoyed the hell out of ourselves. Jim stayed home and watched Hellboy on TV instead.
Mom and I set up my kitchen on Friday. It's nice to actually be able to FIND a pan. We did another trip to Goodwill on Sunday. Thankgod they're only a half mile away. It's a godsend. My living room is also pretty much set up. I've got so shelves to put up, but it's looking pretty good.
I got a bill in the mail for my old apartment cable service. For July 12-Aug 11. ::blink:: 'scuse me? I only canceled the service as of July 1. Numbnuts. I called today, and they said the bill was sent before the service was completely disconnected, and to disregard it. They are currently processing a $65 credit. Heee!
I made the mistake of going grocery shopping with my mom yesterday. I really shouldn't do a big grocery visit the first half of the month, but at least I've got the money to cover it right now. And dude the cupboard was BARE.
I might have to upgrade my cell phone plan. I've only 200 anytime minutes, and I've got the feeling that's not enough. I very much doubt I'll need more than my 1000 nights/weekend minutes though. ::grin::
My landlord still hasn't returned since July 2nd to finish the bathroom. I can't really put the bedroom together with a shower assembly and a cast iron radiator in the middle of the room. Not happy about that. I called this weekend and left a message. I'll have to call again today.
And my poor wee kitty. Sasha is in bad shape. I don't think she's headed for an early death or anything, but she's got some sort of skin condition that's been driving her nuts. The antibiotics certainly didn't work. She's licked off half the fur on her tail. Her ears are pretty much hairless from where scabs have fallen off taking her hair with it. She's not been eating well, but at least she's been eating something. I picked up some Cat Chow because I know she'll eat that. The vet made a house call today to check up on her. A trip to the vet would have stresses Sasha too much in her current troubles. But the vet gave her a steroid shot. Hopefully that will reverse issues.
What else? An old Xphile/OBSSE friend is coming into town for a convention next week. Angie and I are going to meet up with her to see the new XF flick. We'll be able to mock it together.
Getting ready for the camping trip too. Need to head out to AAA to get some maps today. Maybe I'll head up there now.