enough already.

Jul 25, 2005 22:43

It's been hella hot and muggy. We finally had a gutter washing downpour though. Hopefully that will signify the end of this yickiness. Last night it was 85F at 11:30pm. Had to be a dew point of 80F too.

But the moon last night, it was yellow. For Lance? Oh, I doubt it, but it amused me anyhow. I'm happy for Lance Armstrong and the Discovery team. I've enjoyed watching all the coverage. It's amazing how much you learn watching six hours of cycling coverage a day for 20 days. GAH!

All the 'rents are home now. Dad got back last night. I picked him up at the airport. I got to look at his water damage. They still have 15 industrial fans running. His insurance agent will be out on Thursday. The only really obvious damage (besides some of the outlets not working) was the holes in the ceiling (to let the water drain). I also got a look at the culprit cabinet. Seems Mom didn't use long enough screws to mount it to the wall. But it's still looks ok. I can get some longer screws and mount the sucker again when this is all done. The sucker dropped straight down and basically blew out the bottom of the toilet tank. Totally weird. I didn't think it was that heavy myself. ::shrug::

Dad's reunion news was fairly uneventful except for two nasty bits. My uncle had a fight with his daughter-in-law. Not too earth shattering. However, one of his grandkids was really hurt. The whole group drove up to Mt. Rainier. As they were collecting everyone to leave (Dad and his folks were already in the car), my cousin's 3 year old was smushed by a pallet. Who knows what it was doing in the lobby of the hotel, but somehow the thing fell on him. He broke his thigh. He was transferred to Seattle Childrens Hospital and is in a huge cast. Better get used to it now. He'll be in it for a while.

Mom came home from her reunion today. Now her's was really uneventful. Amazingly no fights, no brawls, no drunken bar fights. Did I mention Mom's family lives in the back woods of Montana? ::grin:: not really, Whitefish is hardly real back woods. But except of one cousin falling off the deck and spraining his wrist, it was totally painless. I'm shocked.

So the cat is enjoying my (reasonably) cleaned office. She's splits her time between the desk (where I put a cushion for her yesterday) and on the floor by my feet (when it's really hot). Beats her trying to sit in my lap all the time. She can be a pest like that. Her old owner used to do that. My belly is too big to share my lap with the cat and the keyboard.

Thursday I head back for tests at Mayo. Forgive the bluntness but my ass hurts. I get twinges along the femur bone all the time. Now I can't tell you if that's stress and my hypochondriac tendencies or if the damn thing is really growing. But I guess I'll find out Friday. Mom is going to drive down with me both days. She took the whole week off from work. I'm trying to decide if I should take a day off myself. I have two weeks of vacation, one week of sick leave and four days of vacation carry over from last year. I just never know how much time I'll need off if I have to have surgery. It's a damn bother. And with no other help right now, we are busy as hell packing everything our selves.

Did I mention my ass hurts? Grrrrr.

Also, I was bad. Oh, do I love shopping for toys. I started out with the best intentions, a care package pick-me-up for Qill13. Well i just *had* to stop at Legoland for a pirate keychain for her. ::grin:: I had been coveting this Lego roller bag. It's a decent little suitcase (also converts to a backpack). Perfect for an overnight. But it was $50, but I told myself if it ever goes on sale I'd buy it. Well, it was finally on sale. Twenty bucks off. I had to get it, right? Gah! Of course. I was so bad. But since I can't get my $300 box of legos (god do I REALLLLLY covet that ::drool::) I thought might as well. I'm broke anyhow, what's more broke?

medical, dad, sasha, mom, tdf

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