Sep 15, 2007 23:44
Among other things.
I went to Target to get some more storage boxes while they were on sale. I now have a total of six 27-quart Sterilite bins. I also picked up a bundle of TP on sale (they didn't have the *blue* charmin when I was there on Sunday with Mom, ::sigh:: had to make an extra trip). Oh and they had Sense and Sensibility for 5 bucks. Can you say Alan Rickman fix? Also I they had the SW DVD with the original theatrical release. Yes, pick yourselves off the floor, I didn't own it already. My folks didn't get it for me on my last two gift lists. I only got SW:ANH though. I figure the differences in the other two are merely nuisances. But by god HAN SHOT FIRST.
Sandi and I were discussing Han shooting first the other day. Tehehe. One of our customers laughed. Today we were waxing nostalgic about Yul. Mmmmm, Yul. What brought him up, I can't tell you. But there was some King and I and Magnificent Seven discussion. I spent most of the day randomly saying "mmmm, Yuulllll." Also amusing a different customer.
After hitting Kowalski's (grocery) and picking up schrimps for to grill tomorrow, I ordered my Dune DVD and Pan's Labyrinth from Amazon. I also added a m/m mini stereo cable so I can listen to mp3s from my PSP on the car stereo. I *so* can't afford this right now. I'm going to order a new video card soon too, as soon as NewEgg gets the one I want back in stock.
Angie came by yesterday and we started tackling the porch. Storage from hell is more like it. We tossed six bags of garbage and at least two bags of recycling. Wheee! I found some fun stuff, like my souvenirs from Germany (1987! I had a TDF brochure from when we were in Berlin at the same time). I also found a pouch of pix from my 1986 trip through Glacier on the way to Seattle. They actually had snow back then. Lots of great photos of animals.
What else? Anyone want some Sea Monkeys? Bwahahah.
Well, I should get to bed. Dad's coming over tomorrow for some tequila grilled shrimp. I can't wait to try it out. Weeee!
ETA: Spelling correctly sucks. If any of you out there never need to use spell check? You suck, too. I nevr lernt to spel ryt.