May 11, 2003 11:50
I ahve a feelig this is going to be a long one.Ok well lets start at the last Grange show on the 2nd and WOW that was funny EVERYONE was there and I was happy to see eevryone.UVR was pretty good everyone promoted htem so good I was all most disappointed I thought they were going to be better then they were.I got to meet Misha and she is so HOT! and Debz is gourgeous too!
On Sunday we went to Roosters Roadhouse to see CHEAP DATE I had so much fun I love those girls!THey are SO awsome and We had alot of fun hehehe Solevan in the keyword and I couldn't go to school on Monday since I was "sick" hehhe.
Lastght was the Plain White T's show and boy was that an emotional experenice.They dedcated Do They Have Radios in Heaven to Bob and Sunny began to ball for good reasons so I tried helping ehr and seeing her like that made me more upset since I couldn't really do anything for her.I felty so bad so then I was going to the bathroom to go talk to Sunny when Dan asked me why Cassi was crying and I was liek shit so then I was comforting Cassi to btu hey what are friends there for if not comfroting right?And then from what I remebr after that everyoen was really good but I think that i REALLY liek the person I liked but o well if something ahppens something doesn't then it wasn't meant to be right?Agent Aaron invited me to go party with him afetr The Muckruckers show in Livermore next weekend hehehe most liekly will go but yea so I am going to dedicate this post to Jessie and hope that she gets better and I will be visitng her any day now