The one with the images to accompany the commentary.
*Convo from previous entry as follows:
After the whole crit session, KS got his usual Q&A session and some of the folks went up to him to get a more in-depth crit.
I was one of the fews who went, and,
I think KS has a REALLY dry sense of humour, or he just doesn't really know how to crack jokes but
When I explained my trouble (like, I don't get what he meant about me doing sometimes nice, sometimes not nice), this is what KS did:
I told him I tried my best to do this work, and he retorted, "Hardest? Then the 3rd one you didn't try harder?" *blink smile
"Eh no lar, I tried even harder." *grim smile (WHICH IS THE TRUTH!)
Then, KS took a pencil and start circling a part and said, "You see this? This is right."
And you see this? *circles somewhere else which he mark as a mistake* "If you can do that, how come you paint until like this (mistake)?"
"And this? *circles another apparently good one*
"I can see you know how to paint the effect over here."
(Effect is the sea @ I used some watercolour method that I knew to render the sea waves...)
"This effect is actually better than the one here." *points at the lousy bg with the cacated-hand
"Background, the time I dunno how to fade it off---"
"You should have planned it first. The white touchup looks off here.
And I can see you know how to do the details wan." *points at the tinny globules of embossed grape on the bottle
"Yaa but-"
"BUT how come you can do like this leh?" *points at the fudged bottle cap.
"Erm..." At this time, with all this random comparison, I started to sweat. A little.
"And HERE," KS said as he points at the HENNESSEY logo, "Here, you KNOW how to take care the details, how to keep it neat and still make out the wording, but WHY HERE," he then points at the written label, "You write the label until like, it doesn't looked like it wraps around the bottle??"
This time, I couldn't say anything.
"And this, this highlight - look like flower," and so cue the guffaws from the suddenly interested classpeeps at the current conversation as KS pointed out mistake by mistake.
"BUT here," KS points to the other highlight, "this highlight is correct wo."
"And also here," KS points at the far-right glass, "You KNOW how to paint this, but why this one *points at the leftmost glass* WHY this one sucked already one?"
Then an unhealthy silence followed, as a bunch of the other classmates stared at us to see how I would carry on this conversation - seeing I'm being led to a not-so-pretty checkmate by KS.
I drew in a breath, mustered some liquid courage, and just said,
"But Sir, even if you tell me all this, I'm telling you, I really did all this work at one go. So I don't see how is it I can paint differently each time...?"
And KS said the STUPIDEST / WEIRDEST thing ever to me:
"I tell you, you follow what I said. Just do the ones I told you is right, and you'll be fine."
"AND kick that sister out, ask her don't kacau you when you're painting."
Here on I went !?!?!?!? "SISTER?? BUT SIR, No one helped me to paint this! I really painted it myself-"
"Kick your inner sister out." Then he makes the shooing gesture and just said, "Now who's next?"
1 more last class to go, and I can say 'bye to Wallflower forever.
And CK today made a very fond farewell to our class, it actually melt my heart to see his gesture that way (so far, I haven't come across any other IL lecturers who's as nice and forgiving as him). makes me miss him and his fun antics and his even funnier one-liners ("Use Dodge la, tailo!" is, already, his trademark one-liner LOL), and if it weren't for his consistent pushing for better quality (and I kept finding he's sometimes a bit more anal when it comes to my work, but, hey, it makes me a better artist at the end of the term :D), I would have never come this far in speed-painting + improve my colour sense :)'s one more for the record ne...
And it's confirmed --- Leo's gonna teach us Digital Illustration.
And even though you'll find it strange for me to say it here but, I still wanna say it, coz
I felt I owe him and me this much :)
After all this time...this is it.
Leo, I've been waiting for this moment for a long while now. Honest.
So...don't disappoint me, coz I definitely wouldn't disappoint you, and I guarantee, you'll not regret teaching me.
Coz I know that, from since the time you taught me Figures 5 years ago,
that you know that I've got somewhere to go,
and It would be really awesome if we can share that journey to that destination together :)
I'll make you proud, sir, know that I will.
And so, I'm looking forward to your teaching, Sir. *salutes