Oct 24, 2010 14:25
.........I think I just signed away 2 weeks of my life for the latest gesso/acrylic assignment for the last topic for Illo2 class @ Character Design.
But hey, I guess it's the one acrylic assignment I wouldn't say no >D
BUT as much as I like to do up the legendary sir, I lacked enough hi-res references of him (CAPCOM U SUXORS WHHYY you only release the gameplay-version??) so I settled for his wayward son instead >DDD
Which means - I'll be facing him in that A2-illo board for 2 whole weeks until submission, and I have to try my very best not to disfigure him (or risk his wrath/get keeled by his Yamato. Orz.)
Will post the approved thumb later (currently still hijacking the office comp)
together with the simpler-but-not-as-grand thumb that I had wanted to do.
What I can say now is, I'm gonna attempt Ayami Kojima-style on the gesso/acrylic-rendering,
and I'm doing Vergil for this assignment 8D (sorry Dante, my human-ref is too cool for ur fire XP)
(And No I haven't gone suicidal by doing the half-figure Bayonetta because Soh Ling forbid me to kill myself doing it, and so we both settled amiably to doing Vergil bust-up XD;)
And I've got ONE burning question:
I've got no palette knife (I might gank one of Mom's unused butter knife from the kitchen),
but is it possible to lay down acrylic as thick as oil point to create the crack/craquelere/oilpaint texture?
If so, will it stay as it is, or will it sink...?
But if it isn't so (haha pun unintended) - I know gesso will definitely sink, but if I lay the first layer extra-thick enough, will it absorb my acrylic colours later on?
Much help appreciated! :)
P.S. Marker test coming up next week. I wanna know what you guys did for your marker test last time 8DDD
devil may cry