Nov 06, 2008 17:52

So I doubt anyone knows of this obscure anime/manga, but I'm a huge fan. It's known as X (made by Pioneer) but I think the manga is called CLAMP. Basic story is that a group of super-powered individuals are fighting with another group of super-powered individuals. The catch is that one side wants to restart the world due to humans constantly screwing everything up (Dragons of Earth) and the others think humanity deserves another chance (Dragons of Heaven). So I won't ruin any of the plot (but it sounds so generic with this pathetic description.. AH!). There is both an anime series and a movie. Watch the series. All of the personal interactions and conflicts are so endearing. Plus the fight scenes are pretty awesome too.

Anyway I took a quiz at http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=x_clamp_charas
This is the list I got for my own personality

My #1 is: Keiichi Segawa - Kamui's classmate(undetermined)
My #2 is: Yuto Kigai - Dragon of Earth
My #3 is: Sorata Arisugawa - Dragon of Heaven
My #5 is: Fuma Monou
My #6 is: Kanoe - Dreamgazer for the Dragon of Earth

Keiichi is a constantly happy normal person who seems to insist on being best friends with the moody main character, Kamui. There are three theories. Either he's just nice guy who wants to be friends with the lonely kid, he has a crush on Kamui, or he is unknowingly a Dragon of Earth (fate has chosen him to replace one of the others who died in a fight).

Yuto is a polite yet powerful enemy. He controls water to a crazy degree. He has a long water-filled whip which he uses to deal damage when he doesn't feel up to just holding you in a sphere of water and drowning you. He seems far too charismatic to be evil... mwahahaha.

Sorata is a fun and cute character. He's such a nice guy. He has control over lightening. From the very first time we meet him, we find out that he is destined to die. He claims he's fine with this, but he wishes to die protecting someone he loves. I honestly guessed this guy would be my #1 match.

Fuma - I'm going to say nothing about this one. His development is too pivotal to the plot.

Kanoe - Bitch! Wow. She is psychic, but only when stealing her sister's visions. She keeps the Dragons of Earth informed on what the Dragons of Heaven are doing at all times. Wouldn't want to hang around her, but you got to respect someone whose so cold and calculating.

x, anime, clamp

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