clean sweep

Sep 11, 2004 03:21

We managed to haul out 3 bags of clothes today to give away, not bad, but mostly it was my mom throwing out her own 2nd hand winter jackets. I only managed to throw out 1 1/2 jackets. Hahah. They thought to see how many outerwear we have, and I top them all by having 15 jackets, half of them I bought/my family bought for me, half of them are 2nd hands from my cousins. Well, my parents want the stuff to go to my brother's church yearly drive. Okay.

And to think I was almost tempted (rather persuaded) to buy some more last winter when the snowboarding jackets were on sale (still exorbitant, and I don't even snowboard!) I'm thinking now what am I going to do with my two pairs of snowboarding pants to go with my particularly heavy snowboarding jacket when that thing happened. They didn't come cheap either. Bleeeh. And I'm thinking that he bought a brand spanking new snowboard, almost fully equipped (sans boots last time I knew), but does he get a chance to go? Maybe. Who knows? And why should I fucking care?

At least that didn't come from me, unlike some other things. I've let myself become stupid and foolish for so fuckin long it's not even funny. Mom threatened to confiscate my savings if I even as so much decided "to help the needy" i.e. someone in particular. A radical move just in case anyone robs me blind. I think that's the straw that broke the camel's back.

I should've listened to my mother: no money, no honey.

(It seems that, at this rate, I'm doomed to spinsterhood, when we're all shackled at home. Even brother got an earful tonite for coming home late and not calling that he's going to come home late. They sent the hounds out to search for him, calling his friends for his whereabouts. And mom's always pissed that we're sleeping past midnite.)

(I better turn off the computer soon. The light coming from it is betraying my status. Just as I finished writing the last sentence, mom peeked out her room again to give us an earful. Shhhhh........I'm sleeping.)
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