Dec 27, 2005 01:20
I had one of the most fulfilling conversations tonight with Nick. I forget how much fun that guy is. I sometimes forget that I have friends all over the country( But, I'm very glad that they remember me at times!) We talked about everything good, bad, and the in-between. I was thrilled to hear him say: "Hey, I wish you were in Alden b/c I would love to hang out, drink some, and talk with's been far too long." I love that of my friends I've had the longest. Nick made my day, seriously. I can't wait to see him...
Well, Christmas was crazy as it could ever be at the Cometto household. My uncle got very drunk, and was singing like every AC/DC song at the top of his lungs. Joe was singing right along with him, as well as my sister Alyssa, my cousin Nicole, my little sister Theresa,and my three year old niece was dancing ( I taught her to do the metal sign with her hand, and I got in trouble by my mother for teaching her that)It was nice to be home to see everyone though. I had a nice Christmas over all. It was different at first, because I spent it with Paul, Tara, and Maryanne, Paul's mother. It was quiet and sort of boring...I'm used to loads of noise and little kids running around, dancing and doing the metal sign, you see. But, it was nice to have a Christmas with them as well.
I hope everyone else had a great holiday time and got what they needed, not necessarily what they wanted.
I received the friendship that I needed to know that still existed from my friends who live far away. I'm glad that I know they love me still....
I'm thinking of a good open-minded year for me...the world can paint the pictures it wants for the time being. I really am feeling much more alive. This is good for sure. I feel I've begun to bloom fruitful blossoms of some sort again...wonders never cease.
Word, My mom got my these old Victorian masks for Christmas...the best present I've gotten in a long time! I got one of a sailor and one of Cleopatra! If ya talk to me you know I dresses in one of those masks for Halloween and the kids were freaking scared as hell of the mask. So, I was wearing the mask yesterday! My mom did an awesome job with that! She's starting to know what I like...the simple things amuse me. I suppose you could say: Simple things for simples minds...yes, that's allright...I'll accept that statement, I had fun with those paper masks...and so did my family...and that's the important thing...that I can laugh still with my family. That was the best gift granted...God was kind with that.