(no subject)

Mar 24, 2011 23:50

Today kicked off awfully. I almost wasn't going to go to school because i was having such a hard time this morning getting ready and being okay with everything.

Luckily I got my shit together and just made myself leave. All day I think I could have just sat down and cried. I think it's just that kind of day where you need a good cry though, ya know? I didn't though, no chance to. Instead I headed to a bar after class with two good friends which was much needed. It was great getting to talk to them about...well...life. As corny as that sounds. We bounced after a few hours once the crowd turned sketchy full of French Canadians.

I'm now home, feeling more content than I was earlier with the love of my life by my side, Zoe. I'm such a cat lady.

happy, life, friends

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