(no subject)

Dec 08, 2003 16:03

i left my government class early so as to come home and shower before going back to school this evening. my plans for a morning shower were thwarted when i awoke twenty minutes prior to the onset of my first class. not too big a deal, until you factor in the minimum of five(5) minutes to put on clothes, gather books and such, brush teeth, etc. and the thirty(30) minutes it take for me to walk from my front door to my math class. i was fifteen(15) minutes late as would be imagined by the minimum amount of time for me to get from bed to class.

i came home feeling very thirsty, wanting a soda pop or juice or something equally thirst quenching. i turned my attention to the refrigerator, thinking that would be the ideal source of a solution to this particular dilemma.

i found: a large bottle half filled with spoiled V8, an open can of root beer of undisclosed age, a paper 32 oz cup half filled with an undisclosed liquid also of undisclosed age, and two cans of PBR.

it is four in the afternoon, i have japanese at six, and i'm drinking beer simply for the fact that there isnt anything else in this damned apartment to drink. bollocking hell and whatever other exclamations i might interject for the conveyance of frustration.

i'm not doing so well in my classes this semester, which is unfortunate and depressing. i'll be hoping for a C in calculus, if i ace my gov't final i'll have a B in the class, B in japanese, and A in poetry... any UC's i may or may not get in to might very well give me the boot for a 2.9 semester, and i dont even know if i can count on a 2.9... insert additional frustrated exclamations here.

now i will decide what will accompany my can of PBR in the way of dinner... i have ramen, more mac & cheese, bbq potato chips, rice a roni, and a loaf of bread. yum.
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