okay, so about 2 weeks ago, i noticed that i had mysteriously
put on 20lbs. i couldn't figure it out as i have stayed at the 123lb mark for years and years now.
well, i was just reading
pandoradea's LJ and i see that she has magically got 20lbs fatter too and i also see that she is craving a
luna bar.if she is craving a luna bar it means she eats
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if you are eating even as few as 200 more calories a day (which you would be if you were eating a luna bar every day), you can gain weight...i think most things i've read say 10 pounds in a year. just because i was craving one does not mean that i ate them often. also, i don't think you'd just out of the blue notice that you gained 20 pounds. i think you would've noticed you were getting bigger long before when your clothes began to fit tightly.
you called me a "fat wench". that is extremely rude.
your journal was started in november.
you have no information about yourself or interests listed.
your account is free.
you have only one user icon and it's not of your face.
you have a whopping 9 journal entries, none of which are of any substance.
hence, my conclusion is this: i have been slapped in the face by a fucking troll because i have yet to make all my entries friends-only. thanks for the motivation to do that.
if you're going to do this shit, at least try a bit harder to NOT look like you're a complete fake.
Her website is http://www.tankgreen.com. She is a real person NOT a troll, NOT an apparition..you gotta believe me, she didn't mean to hurt your feelings!!
She's a BRIT. Their humoUr is skewed, and their teeth are bad!
how do you know her?
note to self: LJ is ONLY for the really, really serious peoples in all the worldeseseseses.
(I do love your hair by the way, don't leave me!)
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