I sulked on Sat, after my friends bailed on me for going to Resrugence I wasn't in the mood for joining them down the pub, especially knowing that I was making myself poor as a church mouse in order to get to hear some decent music. I went shopping with my mum, but she spent her time in old lady shops (Bon Marche!) and I watched her spend craploads on awful cloths. I've given up trying to point out I have colour/design skills that she should take advantage of.
Sunday I went with her to the Weald and Downland food fair. Stuffed my face with the free tasters of drink and local foods, all of the highest quality. Bought some lime pickle, and apple juice. mmmmmm
Rushed home, gothed-up, discovered I've now lost enough weight to get my New Rocks on so they got their 1st proper outing since it bought them over 2 years ago!
Spent 2 hours on the bus, but only had a 5min walk from the bus stop to the club.
Resurgence was great.
T'was odd being there again after 7 or 8 years! (boy do I feel old). I forgot just how small, and low, the place was. It makes the Attic look spacious.
I met some great people including
selerox who arrived just after me and joined me in waiting to be let in. I'm glad his day improved by being there, even if he did need to go around on his knees so as not bang is head on the ceiling.
Also met
zoltan66 (I will try and get to Evoke - promise), and guy with goatee and sleaveless t-shirt (can't remember his name). To be honest I can't remember many names, alcohol has that effect. I do remember Pete played 3 ~see that, *3*! of my requests.
I danced like a muppet.
Saw old faces.
I met great new people.
Realised if I had gone there with friends, I wouldn't have met so many lovely people.
Had a hangover ALL Monday, but I didn't care.
If any photos of me turn up I might nab them as I didn't get a piccy of me before setting out.
BUT............... I did find something from 1999;
Yes that is me in the hotpants! I was 19, I could get away with it then.
And, I found a piccy of this goth.
I wonder if she still has the white pace powder and black lippy?! ;-p
All in all, a 100% successful trip!