(no subject)

Nov 24, 2005 21:59

they talked me into staying at their place tonight. the new couch is uber comfy. amy has to be at work at 2 mom at 6, as for me 12:30, hells yes. for those of you who don't know, amy works at victoria's secret. she counted teh other day ans eh now has 85 pairs of panties (i think i have 9.5) she shoveled her food at thanksgiving dinner, it made me sick to my stomach. I also found out that i am 150 overdrawn at the bank. FUCK!! i don't think that anythign is going to go my way untill next semester starts. and then i have my birthday to dread. for those of you who don't know, i have never had a good birthday. here is a small sample,
6th birthday, i won pin the tail on the donky, and the paperairplane contest and the bowling game but because it was my party my parents thought that i should let someone else have the prize
9th birthday, my parents have a suprise poarty and invite everyone in my class to jamingym(kina like chuncky cheese) no one wanted to be there, all of their parents made them go and everyone hated me MORE for the rest of the year
11th birthday. my parkeet(and only friend at that age) had a seasure, died and fell off my sholder into the bathroom trashcan
skipping to 18, mom planned a suprise birthday, no one showed up
19, just sucked due to bad company
20, 2 weeks before i found out the at my fiance had been cheeting on me for the last 6 months
21, i'm sure you all remember the highschool drama that followed that crapy night
22, i plan on locking myself in the bathroon and getting smashed by my self, no one can fuck it up if no one is there
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