Jun 04, 2003 23:31
ChaCha457: hey
gangstalove2k6: hey hottie
gangstalove2k6: what's up?
ChaCha457: nada, I just got home
ChaCha457: how r u?
gangstalove2k6: srry
gangstalove2k6: im ok
gangstalove2k6: soooo excited that school is out tho
ChaCha457: me 2!
ChaCha457: so about this whole, you diggin' me thing....
gangstalove2k6: yay
ChaCha457: I dunno
ChaCha457: you are awsome, and baeutiful, and I'm totally attracted to you, but I just don't think it's the right timing at all
ChaCha457: and if something did happen, your bro would find out somehow, and poss. tell your mom. and I don't think anyone is ever ready for that
gangstalove2k6: :(, yeah sadly i was thinkin tha same thing, and i soooooo like you, but it wouldnt really work, wayyy too much drama
ChaCha457: yeah
ChaCha457: so why did you even say anything
ChaCha457: just to mess....
gangstalove2k6: no i just had ta get it out
ChaCha457: ok
gangstalove2k6: sry
ChaCha457: it's alright, it was just strange
ChaCha457: I didn't really knwo what to say
ChaCha457: or do
ChaCha457: which was... different
gangstalove2k6: yeah
gangstalove2k6: i guess it was a lil akward
ChaCha457: brb
gangstalove2k6: k
ChaCha457: don't get me wrong, it was very flattering
gangstalove2k6: i dont understand why u like me tho
ChaCha457: yeah, well, we're even 'cause I don't get why you like me
ChaCha457: and another thing is that I have been getting over you, and I think I am over you, b/c I thought it would never happen, so that was another issue
ChaCha457: I think I was all excited, like you were the thing that I coveted for so long, and now that I am over you, I could have you.... it was like, I wanted you b/c I have tried for so long, which isn't right
gangstalove2k6: i see, so basically i just made EVRYTHING muy complicado
ChaCha457: the feeling has to be immediately there, ya know?
ChaCha457: NO NO NO!!
gangstalove2k6: yeah
ChaCha457: not at all, I am attracted to you, I just don't think it's in the way that would lead to a relationship further then friendship
ChaCha457: I dunno, I'm sorry for confusing you
gangstalove2k6: yeah i understand