brainless? time to buy a new toy?

May 07, 2003 16:04

I just realized that I must have lost my surrogate brain, my PDA. Maybe I just misplaced it somewhere (in the car? at home? at a friend's place?). By now, the battery will be too drained to locate it using my mobile phone [trying to pair it using Blootooth™ to know at least if it's near].

Maybe this is a sign that it's about time to buy a new PDA toy (I guess it would be about my 50th PDA device soon)? ;-) But as the excellent PSION handhelds and the Apple Newton are not continued anymore, it's hard to choose anything but a Palm Tungsten because it really works, is well done and reliable. But still... it's not nice to use PalmOS when there are better operating systems. However, there is still hope... one new product in particular is very promising: The new SHARP Zaurus SL-C700 actually is the only one that could be a real successor of the PSION PDAs I liked so much.

With its features, it's more a notebook than a PDA, still it's flat and not much bigger than a SONY Clié. Instead of using one of the proprietary PDA OS, it's running Linux and Java. There are so many great features that it's not possible to list them here. But one of the greatest features is the uniqe way the Zaurus SL-C700 saves data: it's using the safe data storage technology of the Apple Newton always saving data immediately on FlashROM. There will never be any data lost, regardless of power failure etc... a really safe PDA. The colour touch-screen can be used portrait or landscape, as tablet or as notebook-like screen. The only drawback: it's not [yet] available outside Japan. Until it's available from Sharp, Dynanism is adapting and selling it in the US.

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