I am Jack's mean slice of angry cake.

Apr 23, 2006 21:28

Met the most amazing guy today. Well. 'Met' might be too strong of a word - it was more like, 'gazed longingly at as he played air-guitar and unashamedly rocked out to 3 Doors Down on the train'. But there was a moment!... Well. There was a moment for me. For him it may have just been gas.

Woefully, amazing Air-Guitar guy got off the train before I did, so there was a regrettable lack of things to stare at when we got delayed in Kaiwharawhara. I have decided to use him as the bar for everything from now on, though. "You won't jump off this bridge fot me? I bet Air-Guitar guy would jump off this bridge for me

I wish this Mango Citrus Frappucino didn't have tiny bits of Java Chip in it. God, Starbucks. Wash the dishes once in a while.

Quitting my job when the new manager arrives. I know I say I'll quit my job, like, every two weeks, but being thrown into this two-week spiel as acting manager... I just don't have the patience to deal with the criminally stupid on at least a bi-hourly basis. If only I was just talking about our customers. Why must I be in charge of 8 people who were born missing essentials like 'common sense' and 'logic'.

God. I looked at my cellphone address book yesterday, trying to find someone to go and see V for Vendetta with me. Really need to clear it out. At the moment it is just a comprehensive list of people I have alienated.

Speaking of V for Vendetta. Went to see it for the second time last night. During the opening credits, was overcome by painfully strong urge to yell "V DIES!" I actually had to bite my tongue to keep from doing it. It hurt. There was blood. :|

In closing, please rec me some Jared/Jensen RPS, or some Sam/Dean Wincest. This part is bigger than the rest of the entry, so that you will see it in spite of all the tl;dr.

air guitar guy, take me to your wincest, v for vendetta plz, 53 days to go, jared/jensen

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