Second finished fic evarrr in almost as many days. DAMN YOU, SHNICKY!

Dec 03, 2005 11:14

Title: Grin and Bear It
Fandom: Popslash. Westlife RPS.
Pairing: Shane/Nicky
Rating: PG-13? Maybe?
Notes: I don't even know what happened here. One minute I'm replying to a comment and the next - FIC.

...please read? Even if you have no idea re: Westlife. I'd appreciate it greatly.

Shane prefers the old teeth. It'd take something a hell of a lot bigger than this to discourage him from Nicky - hell, he's not sure anything could, short of Nicky growing breasts or worse, Kian's haircut - but the new teeth...well, they freak him out.

He misses the days when he could look over at Nicky and despite his intimate knowledge otherwise, believe that Nicky was still a 19-year-old virgin. The Teeth (as they shall henceforth be referred) have changed that - the Nicky Shane sees now has been around, knows his women, knows his men, and has been to bed with every single one of them. The Teeth make Nicky strut. Shane's never had the best memory to begin with (heavy drinking since the age of 12 will do that to a guy) but he's positive the strutting is post-Teeth.

In Shane's mind, the Teeth are the root of every one of Nicky's irritating habits (even ones that Shane knows he had before the Teeth, but so deep runs his hatred for them that whenever he remembers this, he just sticks his fingers in his ears and goes "LA LA LA" til it goes away. Which actually has Louis thinking he's on some sort of crack, but that's another story entirely.) When Nicky drums his fingers on the nearest available surface to a completely non-existent beat, it's the Teeth. Shane would swear black and blue that Nicky had rhythm before them. When Nicky turns his head as a girl walks by and gives that "I-am-Elvis-incarnate!" leer, Shane knows that's the teeth, and it makes him growl in the back of his throat until Kian gives him the Raised Eyebrow and Shane remembers they're on television.

Shane wishes he could blame Nicky's marriage on the Teeth, but although the braces were there on his actual wedding day, Shane can't forget the old teeth forming the saddest smile he'd ever seen when Nicky had first informed him of the engagement.

Besides, Shane was married himself, wasn't he? And his teeth were nowhere near as stupid.

Married or not, Nicky and the Teeth still seem to end up wherever Shane is, including but not limited to pubs, clubs and hotel rooms. Nicky knows the Teeth bother Shane, so when they're alone he'll go to great lengths to take the focus off them - "It's not the teeth, it's the gorgeous man attached to them," he'll say, and a very persuasive man he is, so when the Teeth scrape very gently against the length of Shane's cock, he supposes he can deal with them.

At least until he looks down and sees the damn things glowing in the dark above his crotch.

fic, westlife, shnicky

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