May 19, 2008 02:23
Name: Panda (or Mandy, either is fine)
Age: 21
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
Times typically available: Weekdays from 8 onwards, weekends from about 5 onwards. I might be on at other times as well, but if you need to catch me for something this is generally the time to look for me.
Email: silvershine_ at hotmail dot com (remember the underscore after silvershine!)
Other information: I have NO FREAKING CLUE how to use IRC, so until I learn how to you'll probably want to email me or use AIM to get in contact with me. Also, I've just graduated from college, and I'm currently on the job hunt. My schedule will probably change, once I get a job. If it does, I'll update it here. Finally, my family is moving into a house soon, and there will be a week or two when we won't have internet. I'll post a reminder for that when it comes up, though.