Jan 03, 2007 13:26
I had a major panic attack last night. Fucking worst one I've had for a long time. You know when you weight yourself but something's touching the scales and you turn out at 9 stone? Well that happenned but i didn't realise and then I thought about my boobs growing and decided that maybe i wanted to get stressy about being pregnant (yeh i know my head is messed up about this) so then i cried and STUPIDLY texted Jim but then he was out without his phone and didn;t text me back so i decided at 1am that he was dumping me (no i hadn't been drinking) and cried more until i fell asleep and woke up thinking about abortion (even though i'm against it) but then weighed myself to about 8 1/4 so woo i only need to lose half a stone!!! and then Jim phoned me in an utter mess over my texts and he was still a bit drunk but now we're both convinced that my magic blue pills do actually work and im not pregnant. and i have made the decision not to sleep with 3 people in the space of 4 weeks again because it stresses you out. even when your careful. someone please remind me cheers thanks.
OMFG desperate housewives back on tonight woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo