So today Croik and I did some shopping, mostly for things I needed for school (I'm practically spending as much as I make XP). Got some anime box sets (Gankutsuoh and Escaflowne, woot!) and some English stuff as well. All our movies are in alphabetical order (because we're nuts that way), and I've often found it amusing how diverse our selection is. So, just for kicks, I thought it might be funny to share what's on the shelves. Why not, huh?
A.K.A. the Non-Anime side
28 Days Later
British running zombies! Excellent horror where the zombies aren't the only things to watch out for. Hooray for Cillian Murphy!
This is SPARTA! Not too surprising to follow after 28 Days Later. Bloody, creepy monsters, all about the horrible things humans can do to each other :P.
Japanese movie, but not anime. Made by the creator of Versus and also having Tak! If you don't know that movie or who Tak is, you really need to educate yourself. About a convict put into a really cracked out prison where he has to fight his inmates, and rather seems to enjoy it. It was an impulse by, and I probably wouldn't recommend anyone else to buy it.
American Psycho--the original and the Director's Cut
Yes, we own two DVDs of this movie. Yes, it's that good. :P Who wouldn't love a rich yuppie go nuts and butcher dozens of people all while listening to the Best of the 80s. Scary Christian Bale!
Batman Begins
So, finally away from the horror movies, but at least it's related through Christian Bale! Next movie coming out in 2008! Can't wait!
So that's the first five! Thus far, seems we have mostly horror movies. Just you wait--there will be some that are so out of place, it's hilarious