Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you.

Jan 16, 2007 18:49

For those who know, that is a line from Hamlet and it is one of my current assignments. And seeing some of the others in my class TRY, and I stress that strongly, I get rather annoyed with them. Because, the words are right there in front of them, it doesn't take much to memorize or become overly familiar with, but they mangage to screw it up still. That's another I've noticed about me being here; I have become far more agitated to just about everything that is going on. I'm going back to my original habit of not going out or socializing, of just staying in my room and that's it. I only leave when I have to and for really no other reason. Stuff here is just really tweaking me the wrong way. I've also noticed a great deal more hypocrisy in the people around me, along with a lack of seriousness and dedication. I've wondered before how some of the people here even managed to get in here in the first place. That thought took a back seat as last semester went on, b/c I saw the possible potential come out and almost all of it looked good. Now, it's as if a good majority of the people of my class forgot everything they learned and are starting from scratch once again. I think a possibility of why I'm thinking like this and being so irked is b/c I have had really, Really restless nights the last couple of nights. Tossing, turning, and being tired (but not sleepy tired) have played a major role, but it's the attitudes of others that is playing a major role in how I feel. I don't socialize with the others of the House b/c they act like the average kid that goes to Trident. They act like it's an up-jumped high school, including the amount of drama and fakeness that everybody portrays. The hypocrisy I mentioned earlier comes in the form of someone who forgave for a mistake I made, saying that it was all in the past and that she was over it. To quote Dr. Phil "Bullshit!" She refuses to acknowledge my existence and even look at me. Also, she has accused of something that goes against my very character, b/c of said thing that I was "forgiven" for. How's that for forgiveness?
I have a strong feeling that I'm kind of rambling, but that is what happens when you are upset about something and really can't find the words to properly say what you really want to say, but you say everything that you are feeling in no coherent order. That's what is going on with me right now.

This is the really important part. Even if you haven't read anything else and just skipped to the end, I want everybody who reads this to know: I love each and every one of you and I appreciate every little thing that you guys have ever done for me. I know that I've taken almost all my friendships for granted and I want all of you to know that I'm glad that you have stuck by me with everything stupid that I have done. I can't wait to get back in April and I'll see you all then.
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