My cat = CRAZY

Sep 13, 2006 10:41

My sweet beloved indoor kitty (Okay, she's sweet to me, maybe not so much to strangers :P) gave me a freaking heart attack yesterday evening. I ran to the store to grab stuff for dinner and upon returning opened the sliding glass door to the upstairs balcony so the boy could breath (it was 77 inside) and the cat could have her little bit of fake freedom.

A little while later, these terrible terrible sounds start coming from the deck. As if a mountain lion has jumped onto the balcony and is now eating my cat. When I run to the sound, I see my cat 1/2 hanging off the deck (by her back paws like she's going to jump) screaming with rage (at first I think she's having some kind of seizure) When I can't get her to come away from the edge. (I don't want to grab her because I'm afraid she'll fall/jump) I move to the other side of the balcony to see if something is down there.

Sure enough, on the ground are two neighbor cats, staring up with big spooky eyes. (We're talking serious staring contest eyes here) Gordon throws a pine cone at one to see if it will move off a bit, but it just moves back a foot or two and resumes staring.

My cat continues to scream and starts to pee. She is seriously freaking out. A mountain lion mama, returning home to see someone stealing her children could not be more pissed off than my cat is at having these strange cats sitting underneather her balcony.

I finally manage to run outside and shoo the cats about 15 feet farther away and my cat is mollified and walks back inside the house like nothing has happened. WTH
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