Back from FC - and also back to freaking cold Germany (snow and ice... waaaah). O.o *wants to go back to California*
Thanks to everybody for the great con, was so wonderful to meet all my friends again and spend some time! *hugs* I also spent a lot of the time in the dealer's room, so I indeed missed a lot of con stuff, but if that wasn't fun too, I wouldn't do it. ^^ Thank you also very much for your interest in my art and buying commissions or other stuff from me (that made it possible to bring back home all my other stuff I bought =) ). I very very much appreciate it. <3 Thanks a lot also for sending me a scan of the sketches I did at the con. :)
And - as some questions popped up several times in the dealer's room, here is a short summary again:
• Do you do custom Mood Badges?
1. I offer "Recolored Sets" - same outlines, but all recolored and changing texts as you wish. I can usually squeeze in Recolored Sets, so these are usually always available. A recolored set (5 basic moods) is $40. More info: 2. All "Custom" pages / sets (new drawn) are only available as regular commission slots, as they're more work. I will announce it here when I have open slots again. Price is $25 per page. More info: • Can I order Mood Badges / Prints / etc. online?
Of course, you can fine the Mood Badges + Add-Ons on my website:
http://shop.tanidareal.comIf you're looking for a special print, just send me an email. I ship internationally.
• Do you have (x species) Mood Badge sets?
So far, I only have various canines, felines and raccoon. But more to come, I have plans for doing horse / equine sets, ferrets, skunks, bunnies, etc. I can't say when, but I hope I will have something new for the next con.
• Do you do commissions? When will you be open?
I am currently not open for new commissions, as I am still stuck with some old ones that I have to finish first (the more, I am currently moving). But yes, I will do commissions again when I am done. More info: And last but not least - there was one copy of my Art CDs that was messed up (wrong content on it), I am very sure it was just a single one, but just to make sure - if you bought Art CDs, please check them if everything is alright. If not - please send me an email so that I can fix it. :)
Back to catching up with everything online... gonna take me weeks! =)