In Which I Catch Up On Various Things

Oct 27, 2008 15:12

Haven't posted anything of substance in a bit, so here goes a bit of a dump:

- Halloween is coming, and I am very excited, as always. I will hopefully obtain much if not all of my costume requirements tonight after work. Hint: A lobster claw is involved, somehow.

- Captain, my pet turtle for those who don't know, died a couple of weeks ago. I came home from work and he was just kind of floating there, as dead things in water do. I felt a bit callous as I put him in a bag and put him in the trash, since it was trash night, but I figure he'll go into a landfill somewhere and help some plastics decompose a little faster.

- Joss Whedon posted a neat little update about Dollhouse today. Not really spoilerish, despite being marked so, but it's a funny little insight into the studio television process and why Joss stays in it, despite being able to make, as he says, "dozens of dollars making internet movies."

- Too many damn games are coming out that I want to play. Time works against me. I've been juggling WoW, Fable II, Rock Band II, Bully (bought this one used, since I never played it when it came out, and I haven't been disappinted). I've already missed Dead Space, and Fallout 3 comes out soon. There's simply no time to play all these games, and it chafes at the videogame gears in my chest.
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