Man...usually, listening to my podcasts on the way in to work is a pick-me-up, but not today. I listed to last weekend's episode of
This American Life on my way in this morning, and it's a doozy.
The Audacity of Government, the general topic is about our current administration's antagonistic and combatative governing style. We all know about the big things, definining "torture", imprisoning "terrorists" without trials, etc, etc, but this episode highlights two of the tiniest, stupidest things that the current administration has been litigating, seemingly just for the sake of maintaining their litigious stances.
You should listen to the episode, it's a good one. But be prepared to be depressed about it. There is a little uplifting bit at the end, where Ira Glass talks to Charlie Savage about the current candidates' stances on these very issues. Will it be enough? Only time will tell, I guess.