Indomitable by Furiosity (M)

Jul 27, 2007 20:25

Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings/Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: M
Spoilers for: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Author: furiosity
Website: Glass Fairytales
Summary: Nineteen years later, life goes on.
Why: I don't think this rec is particularly spoilerific, so I'm not putting it behind a cut. However, if you're paranoid, please don't read this. Seriously.
Ok, so you're reading. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Life goes on after the end of canon, and since my ship was not sunk completely, here's a little something to celebrate that. I was thrilled to see this posted the day after Deathly Hallows came out. This is the story that every Harry/Draco shipper wanted to see. It takes place directly after the epilogue and explains how the relationship between Harry and Draco came to be and what drove Harry and Ginny apart. I was pretty upset about the epilogue when I finished reading, I have to admit, but this story made me feel 100% better about everything.

Indomitable by Furiosity

harry, draco, ginny, harry/draco

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