Fandom: Supernatural
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Dean (hints in the first story, more blatant in the second)
Rating: M
Lyra's WingSummary: Dean finally gets his just desserts for his womanizing ways. What exactly is going on in that Salem church?
Why: Ah, the genderfuck. A common concept in Supernatural. I think fandom's just waiting for something of the sort to happen in the actual series. Until then, though, we have fanfiction.
In "Man, I Feel Like a Woman," Dean is the brother to be hit by the genderfuck, and in "Bloodstones and Kisses," it's Sam. The fun of these stories is watching how each reacts to the transformation.
lyra_wing really does a wonderful job of keeping the boys in character and pulling out a few lines that feel like they could have been taken directly from the show. These two stories are really just a lot of fun.
Oh, and if the incest isn't your thing, you should still be fine reading "Man, I Feel Like a Woman." As the author says, "Borderline incestuous, but subtle enough (hopefully) that you can choose to ignore it if you wish."
Man, I Feel Like a Woman and
Bloodstones and Kisses by lyra_wing