Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairings/Characters: House, Wilson
Rating: K
mer_duffWebsite: none
Summary: Prompt: #89. Wilson and House playing games between cases, such as Chez Geek and Scrabble. Cameron, Chase, and Foreman would be allowed to join if the games allow for or require more than two players.
Why: Ah, House. The reasons I watch this show are many and diverse. One of those many and diverse reasons is just for the fun, the little moments where everything is going well and life is good. This story reminds me of that reason because it feels like it could fit right into the show. There are so many little details here that just work beautifully with the relationships and characters that we see on the actual show. Particularly, the relationship between Wilson and House here is absolutely lovely without being too over the top. This story is really just a lot of fun.
House Rules by Mer