Making History by Miko no da (PG)

Aug 19, 2006 14:30

Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairings/Characters: Shishido, Ohtori
Author: miko_no_da
Website: Miko no da's Anime Corner
Summary: The struggle to rise from defeat is almost impossible on your own, but what one cannot do alone, two might accomplish together.
Why: miko_no_da is one of those authors whose work I always look forward to, and her latest Prince of Tennis story, "Making History," doesn't disappoint. This is a lovely gen look at the time just after Shishido was dropped from the Regulars, and how he came to train with Ohtori. What I love about this story is the way that miko_no_da avoids stereotypes and gives both Shishido and Ohtori the attention that they deserve. As far as I'm concerned, this is as good as canon.

Making History by Miko no da

ohtori, shishido

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