Urgh, why is it so hard to start an entry today?
I wanted to talk about my media consumption, since I've been watching a lot of things! I've had a stressful week at work, so my brain has only really wanted to watch things. Plus, it was kind of a busy week outside of work? I mean, not really, but it felt like it. Monday night I had band. Tuesday night, J got hurt at work (his back again), and instead of sending him to employee health when he did it, they made him pretty much finish his shift and then sent him to the ER instead. So I ended up waiting about two hours for him to be done with that. (He's out of work until next week.) And then most of the other days, I was so busy at work that I just came home and crashed.
I'm still reading A Dance with Dragons. My goal is to finish it this weekend, but then again, I was hoping to finish it last weekend, which clearly did not happen. I'm kind of disappointed in it, to be honest. The writing and the characters are up to par, but not a lot has happened, even after 600 pages. I'm also noticing a lot more misogyny in it than I did once upon a time. I think that's mostly because Tyrion hates everyone and everything right now, but still. It kind of makes me want to kick him. I definitely feel like George R. R. Martin wrote himself into a hole and just doesn't know how to get himself out of it.
I'm also still reading The Geek Feminist Revolution and Hard Choices. The Geek Feminist Revolution is very good and reads very quickly. I just haven't let myself prioritize it because Hard Choices is so freaking long. I kind of like learning about all the politics and whatnot, but it's still pretty dry reading. I'm about halfway through with that, so still quite a ways to go.
Mostly, I've been watching a lot of TV. Fall is apparently where it's at right now.
Lucifer is in its second season, and I'm still quite enjoying it. I think that Lucifer himself is wonderfully played as kind of tortured but also pretty much an asshole, and I like seeing him getting lessons in humanity. I really enjoyed this past episode where all the ladies hung out at the bar and bonded, and I hope we see more of that as the series progresses.
Hayley Atwell of Agent Carter fame has a new series since Agent Carter ended, and I'm loving it. It's called Conviction, and it's about a conviction integrity unit that Hayley's character gets blackmailed into heading up. First, I like Hayley's character a lot. She gives me a House vibe, except I think that she will actually make emotional progress. Also, I'm really into the concept of investigating convictions to make sure that they are actually just. I think it's a hugely fascinating and disturbing concept. I do hope that at some point they find a correct conviction, though, as the first three have been overturned. I'd like a little more unpredictability there.
We're also watching the latest seasons of Brooklyn Nine Nine and New Girl. I loved the crossover episodes between these two!! So good. And Brooklyn Nine Nine has been very good so far this season. New Girl kind of strayed last season, but I think it's regaining a bit of momentum this time.
With J, I am alternating between watching season 5 of American Horror Story, and Galavant. Galavant is hilarious and wonderful, and I am kind of sad that it's not going to last us for very long. I love the musical aspect of it, too. Oh, and the evil king is played by an actor from Psych, so that makes it even more fun. This season of American Horror Story is Hotel, with Lady Gaga. It continues to be an exercise in yelling at the people for making consistently terrible choices. I would never watch it on my own, but J is a big horror fan, so we'll keep watching.
I tried watching the first episode of Timeless as well, which features time travel and sounded like it could be interesting. I was horrified by the cavalier attitude toward changing the past in the first episode, though, so I haven't watched any further. Oh, and the repercussions to the changes that we see at the end of the episode? What the hell? I had kind of intended to give it another episode or two, but I haven't felt motivated to yet. Has anyone watched further than me and have thoughts?
And then there's anime! I've been pretty much inundated with sports anime, I feel like, and I'm not even watching all of them.
Of course I'm watching the new season of Haikyuu! And it's fantastic. I pretty much cried at the first episode, just seeing everyone together again. So good. And match against Shiratorizawa has had me completely on the edge of my seat, especially when things finally started to come together in the latest episode. It's so hard to wait for each new episode, though! I die a little at the end of each one.
I also started All Out, which is a rugby anime. I like it OK, but it's not my favorite so far. It's still very early days for it, though, so I will keep watching. We haven't really learned much about any of the team other than the main characters, and I always get more into sports anime when the team starts to come together and be more of a focus.
Then there's Yuri on Ice!!! So far, this one is my favorite of the new anime. I thought it might be kind of too over-the-top, but it turns out that it is exactly the right amount of over-the-top. The third episode sent me into spasms of fangirl glee! It really hits me in all my BL fangirl spots. XD I can't decide if I want to ship Yuri with Yurio, or if I should stick with the Viktor shipping. They both have their good sides.
And I absolutely loved that it took learning how to move like a woman for Yuri to figure out Eros, but that they also kept talking about katsudon as the sexiest thing ever. I may have died a little when Viktor told Yuri that he was his favorite katsudon. I am very excited for more episodes of this one.
I'm still watching Days as well, which is the soccer anime. It's not on a level with Haikyuu, but I still enjoy it. I like that it has a slightly more realistic approach to a newbie learning a new sport, and I like the team's aura in general.
Finally, I'm watching Kiss Him, Not Me. I've been following the manga of this one, so of course I have to watch it! It's still early days, but I'm loving it. It's about a fujoshi whose favorite character dies. She goes into mourning, doesn't eat for a week, and becomes beautiful! (Yup, not a set-up without problems.) And of course all the guys that didn't care for her before are suddenly in love. I really enjoy the way that the characters develop, although I wish the weight thing wasn't such a big issue. My favorite of the boys is Mutsumi - he is just genuinely the sweetest and most considerate of them. Mutsumi is always the first of the boys to accept Kae for who she is, whereas the other boys really take some time to get over her fujoshi-ness. Igarashi is my second favorite, and I suspect that he is being set-up to be the one that she eventually chooses.
I also really would like to watch some of the other new releases, like Drifters, Classicaloid, and Izetta. Oh, and I was trying to catch up on Iron-Blooded Orphans so I could watch the new episodes of that, but I haven't succeeded. I don't know how people keep up with so much TV! Watching so much has killed my reading progress. :/