Mar 18, 2005 08:54
Jamie: the only think I know for certain is nothing in life is for certain
Me: schh
"The only thing constant is change"
Jamie: ew yeah
and time
Me: never
never is time constant
Jamie: wait no
Me: haha
Jamie: time is a concept
its possibly not even real
Me:it can't really be a word
what we think of when we say tiem
is too complicated to be a word
it's like a dimensionjohnson
Jamie: ew hahaha
Me: it's more extreme than our physical dimensions
it's a mentaljimmy
Jamie: its the fourth dimension
Me: I don't think so
Jamie: its not phsyical
Me: yea
that's why I think it shouldn't go with the others
it's way more extreme
and complex
Jamie: ew yeah
Me: because
our minds can't move
can't be measured
in width length and depth
Jamie: thats not what time is
time is to hard to even explain
there's no real definition
Me: 's no real definition
that's because we don't understand it
Jamie: exactly
Me: i mean that's why we can't explain it
but then again
you can't explain the 3 other dimensions
to a blind person
it's impossible
just like you can't explain colour to a blind person
you just have to see it
and understand it
i mean even by touch
you still won't understand it
that's like how we are
we know it's there but we don't exactly understand
Jamie: you can't touch time
you can't hear it
you sorta can see it
Me: we know it's there though
whatever we think it is
Jamie: yeah
Me: we just have a misconception of it
do you think time travel is possible?
Jamie: hell it hasn't been proven impossible so yeah
I think it could be
Me: the only thing
the transition
from traveling in just the time dimension
to the 3 dimensional physical world
that's the only thing that would make it impossible
when you're traveling you can't possibly be traveling in the physical
i mena
you could
if you were
it'd be impossible
to know where or when
there'd be all this shit in your way
there's no other way to put it
and in this book
he's not moving
he's still in the same place
but he sees all the stuff around him move
that's how it'd be because you're traveling in that dimension you can't travel in physical, that's a contradiction
that's what I'm trying to say
it's a contradictvern
Jamie: if you traveled through time what would keep you from ageing yourself?
Me: well because that's physical
I don't think ageing has anything to do with the dimension of time
it's physical but it's because of the length of time
if you are speeding THROUGH time
in a matter of minutes...
a year to a minute
and even so
when you go back
to where you came from
you'd be the same
because no time would have passed
and you're preserved
Jamie: your would be older because your still aging in the future
Me: but if you break the barrier
of your life span
than who can say
what you would look like
Jamie: say you were in the future for 6 months
then you went back
you'd be sixth months off your lifespan
Me: you'd have aged
but I don't think while your traveling
because while your traveling
you'd be in a completely different dimension
you wouldn't be chained by the physical world
but then
in that transition
from time to physical
i'm pretty sure
that's how I think it'd work
because time has nothing to do with physical
and you can't travel in both
because that'd be like a contradicting german
Jamie: physical change is how time is measured in the physical world
so whos to say what time REALLY is
Me: yea but you can't really measure time
Jamie: we don't know because we've never seen
Me: besides having a calendar
it's pretty arbitrary
Jamie: going back to it being a concept
Me: just because the earth revolves around the sun
doesn't mean it has anything to do with time
Jamie: thats because the laws of gravity make it do that
nothing to do with the laws of time
Me: yea but it's a regular thing
it happens on schedule
but it changes
and that's what we say "time" is
when it's a lot more
Jamie: yeah
but we don't know what more it really is
because we are limited to just what we know
what we don't know
has to be found out
some how
Me: welll
time traveling is probably the only way to
actually going in the dimension
past our minds
that is
Jamie: if it really is a dimension
if we don't know anything about it other than the sun revolving yadda yadda yadda then whos to say it really is a dimension
Me: i don't think it is
Jamie: or a concept we just made up
Me: that's what I'm saying
i mean
i think it has some of the properties
but I think it's moe
it's what our whole existence revolves around
not only physical
don't panic is an awesome song
Jamie: coldplay?
Me: yea
-And that was our conversation last night, right now we are in OC and we were just talking about how Chris Carlin (some guy we don't know who just randomly posted on Jamie's livejournal) told us the "definition" of Time, but all I really have to say is, how do we know how to define Time if we've never seen it and just have an "idea" of what it is. Maybe our idea of Time is just something we made up?
Never shall you think you have it figured out.