mouuuuse. :D

Oct 20, 2007 01:34

Not only did I have an awesome night out with kewl people, but I also saved a field mouse's life. I've even got pictures to prove it, if I can figure out how to get them off my mom's phone. Well, I guess the pictures don't really prove the mouse was alive, but they do prove it existed. Trust me, it was alive.

My cats were chasing it around and nipping at it, presumably playing with their prey before ending its life. (That's one of the few things I don't like about cats. They hunt for sport. There is no way my cats are hungry after all the food they eat.) So yeah, I'm glad I got to the mouse in time, and only by coincidence really. I was headed to the bathroom (in the dark) to brush my teeth before bed when I saw Tequila (cat) on the floor. I reached down to pet him and noticed he was playing with something. I thought it was a toy at first, but then I noticed it was moving. I reached down and picked it up, thereby discovering that it was a wee, itty-bitty, tiny, minuscule, other adjective that means small mouse. I took some pictures because mice are OMGDESUSOKAWAII^_^ (seriously!) and then released it outside.

I hope it didn't immediately get eaten by a snake when I shut the front door. That would suck.

Oh yeah, and I had forgotten about the existence of field mice. I think maybe that's what the thing I saw scampering across the floor a while back was. It was about the right size and speed, and the colour was close enough, especially in poor light. Cool. I like mice. Not really in the house, but I at least don't want them dead like spiders.

Which reminds me, I just killed a big wolf spider. Huzzah. I feel kind of bad about killing things, but I mean really. There are a lot of spiders and they bite me at night so it's definitely self-defense. (Right?) Right.

Also, $3 fill your bag with books sale tomorrow. I'm sure the books aren't the best in the world since tomorrow is the last day of the sale and these are already books that were being thrown out, but still. You can't beat a bag full of books for $3, even if they're awful books. At the very worst I can trade them for better books on Assuming that site works for me. And I really hope it does.

Also also, my dad's giving me money to buy a Finnish language book, which comes with CDs and things so I can hear the correct way to pronounce the words and phrases. I realize I'm not going to learn the whole language from a single book, but it's a start.

Now to bed.

shopping, animals, books, friends

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