every tomorrow.

Dec 04, 2008 23:20

Okay, so I was talking to klimtymilk about this, and I kinda wanna talk about it here too. So I will.

Remember this entry, where I said that I really liked my end of the world dream? Well I've decided that it's actually my favorite dream ever. And I've been thinking about it a lot since then.

You're probably thinking that a dream about the end of the world would be negative and frightening, but it wasn't. It was incredibly peaceful. Basically, there was a giant meteor about to crash into the earth. Everyone knew what was happening, and I'm sure there were people panicking and looting, but a friend and I had simply gone to a quiet, out of the way hill to look over everything and talk about life. (The identity of the friend isn't really important, because I think that he simply represented all of my loved ones.) We sat on the hill for hours, watching as the meteor drew ever closer to its destination, discussing times past. When the meteor was close enough that we could clearly see all its details (and this part went by unrealistically slowly), we stood up and my friend said with a half-smile, "here it is." We stood there silently for a few more moments, watching as the meteor entered the atmosphere. There was a flash of light, but no sound.

Then the dream ended.

Since then, I've hoped every night before bed that the following day will be the end of the world.


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