[trying harder.]

Nov 27, 2008 11:21

My Thanksgiving entries have been depressing in previous years, so I will try to avoid that this time. I will say one depressing thing first, and then move on to a list of good things.

- homophobic parents who indirectly prevent me from having Thanksgiving dinner at home due to the fact that my boyfriend is currently visiting

- my parents, who are good people despite not always being the best parents in the world
- Fritz, and the fact that he is staying with me right now
- Fritz's parents, who are supportive of our relationship and are generally cool
- all of my friends, both offline and online, who are fantastic people and who get me through each day
- the fact that I am able to attend university and buy books virtually for free thanks to scholarships and a little bit of financial aid
- my ascetic personality, which allows me to live happily on very few funds
- art, including music (enough said)

I hope all of you enjoy the holiday and eat your fill. Sure it'll make you fat, but it's not often that you can eat a ridiculous amount of food without facing criticism from the people around you. Besides, you can always work it off tomorrow. :D

thanksgiving, holidays

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