Oct 09, 2006 05:53
I had a lovely time at Shady's last night...it was so nice to have everyone all together again (except for Cliffy, dammit!), and major fun was had by all. I can barely handle knowing that next Saturday will be the last one with Chet for too many months to count. He was one of my favorite parts of the summer, and I loved being in Buffalo with him! He is absolutely smashing, and his Sarah Grace is about as perfect as they come!
Also...Vegas (baby!!!) was intense. I had no idea i would be so happy to be home. Oh my God, it is so beautiful. The crisp, clear blue skies, the town is so shiny-clean it sparkles! And my mountains!!!!!! What made me think I could live without them? That safe place, nestled in the crook of mountains, like a hidden city...nothing has ever made me feel as good and as alive as driving on the West End of Vegas, the shops, the resturants, everything I could ever want, right there! I saw things I had forgotten all about, places I've loved, hated, places full of my own ghosts. I miss the energy and the pace. I miss who I was when I was there, and I am angry at myself for waiting three years to visit.
I made my decision two years ago that I want to stay here on the Coast for a homebase. But I was always, and will always be a desert girl. A little something was missing for me, and when I got in that rental car last Thursday morning and took a right turn out of the parking lot, I knew what it was. It was Nevada. I think places are like people. They have an energy, a gift that they give that no one else can, they have a distinct fingerprint. I resolve to go home now at least twice a year.I don't want to move back there (although it's tempting knowing that a few people who I ADOOOORE would move too!!), but I would consider being bicoastal at some point, as Joel has insisted we need to be.
And speaking of joel...what could be better than seeing Vegas through new eyes? In the week we were there, I watched him fall in love with it. He was amazed by the beauty, and that made me swell with pride. My favorite moment was Friday night. After going to synagogue with me (which was an incredible gesture) and indulging my heartsick-puppydog-crush on Cantor Daniel Friedman (sigh-melt), we went to an Irish Pub called Nine Fine Irishmen (inside the New Tork, New York Hotel). We had salads and beer out on a balcony overlooking the Strip, and Joel stood looking out over the city and quietly said, "I could live here".
And that was just one of millions of lovely moments and memories, including late-nite bingo (which we never won), mad-crazy shopping, dinner twice with my mom (who loved Joel), desert drives, Caesar's Palace, an incredible beer in Utah called Polygamy Porter (ah, visions of Bill Paxton-y goodness!!! - not to mention another Utah beer called Captain Bastard's!!) and two days in Disneyand in California.
I loved it.
I feel so lucky to have been able to show my home to Joel, and the fact that he made this trip a possibility for me makes me know how loved I am.
Thank you Joel, for taking me home again.