Nov 01, 2005 12:32
So i spent my holiday with : Kyle, Danile, Ricardo, Sal, Patrick, Thomas, John, Joseph, Fa-Fa, El Salvatore, etc. It was SO MUCH fun. We went trick or treating and then spent the rest of the night at Ricardo's house. We were playing with his dog, talking and just chilling in his fron yard and room. It was my fav. Halloween so far! BTW: I was a Vampiress. Anywhoot, I didn't get picked up till 1 am and even then it sucked!!! SO MUCH! But i had to go. Daniele's mom gave me and Kyle a ride home and i just passed out in my bed. Well i g2g, i'm doing some work for my mom. Hope all of you had a happy Halloween.
EDIT: Ok, i didn't just pass out when i got home...i was on the phone with Kyle for about an hour first.