what a night:@

Feb 19, 2005 11:16

WELL where to begin?:@.....

I was so excited to go cause..well i hardly go and every time i DO go i want to make the best of it and stay as "late" as i can haha...so we were all ready...analee came over (sorry about the 15 min wait in the cold:$)...we went to stephs house for like half and hr...(sunny ur so cute aww!)...and THEN we picked up the bitch. fuck i shouldnt even have told her that i was going!...but i thought i would be nice (i need to learn how to say NO more often and be mean once in a while:S) and ask her to come..cause she has been buggin me to go with her and other ppl ever since she turned18....and THATS how our little fight started cause i always said no and she always got mad!..ok SOO the drive there was alright..i didnt really talk to her (and i didnt plan on doing so either!)....when we got there...(which was pretty early:S)...we just sat and talked for a while...and then amy came!..WHOOT WHOOT lol...so i asked rachael if she drank at home b4 i picked her up (because she is a retaded and drinks at home by herself b4 she goes out) andshe said ya she had:S...like HOW STUPID CAN U BE???.....Soooo she was  tipsy even b4 ppl started commin(and the bought more drinks later and had random guys buy her drinks:S...idiot)...and THEN ohhh myy god!...we got on the topic of lisa some how and racahel started to bad mouth her!...(i wanted to smack her right then and there)...she was saying shit like "oh lisa..mY GOD SHEIS SO UGLY and stupid and i hate her..etc etc"...thats about the time that u ppl came in (sourabh's posey <- - how  u spell that word:S?)......and by that time i was liek thank god cause now i can get away from her!...and so then like 10 mins after....guess who walks in....LISA!...it was so nice seeing her again!..i have her a hug and i waslike "awww LISAAAAAAaaa".....so then she came to where we were sitting and rachael was tehre and tahts when  she started to bitch at lisa!...

what sucked was that NO ONE was dancing!...but when they finally DID start, me and analee jumped right in and got our groove on LMAO!!!...and of cource...i asked rachael if she wanted to come too (cause she was buggin us b4 hand to go and dance:@)..and she agreed...so we danced..and danced and danced? LOL...(aww they didnt even play 50 cent's candy shop(n)..i was dissapointed)

throughout the night it was SO hard to keep track of where she kept running off to!..every time u turned ur back she was GONE!!...hiding form us like she was fuckin 2 yrs old!..but then when we finally DID see her and got a hold of her some guy was like "u girls should look after her" and i was "ya no shit buddy" even tho i didtn say that lol.....

when we were about to leave is when it started to get crazy!...b4 hand rachael had said that she didnt want lisa ANYWHERE NEAR HER..and lisa agreed that she would keep her distance..but i guess those 10  mins where we couldnt find her she ran into lisa and called her a skank!...and lisa doenst take shit from ANYONE...(and she takes kick boxing so ya:S)....lisa's sister was pretty mad too and i think they were both ready to pound the shit outta rachael!..so when we were getting our coats rachal had already gotten hers and was wating by the side..CRYING!.(but at that point i didnt give a shit cause i was too mad at her:@)....and so analee was there too..im assuming she was trying to get her to calm down!.....and then up walks lisa her sis and their friend..that was the scariest thing cause they were SOO mad and were about fuckin kick the shit outta her (or so it seemed)...but i dont think they did..all they did was started to push eachother and then the bouncers stoopped them thank god!...so THEN omg fuck...THEN as we got our coats and shit..we (me analee and steph) were just like putting them on and i was "omg where did she go??" and analee said that she is waiting outside so when we went outside SHE WASNT THERE!!!....but then we spotted her and she was RUNNING DOWN THE PARKING LOT!!! and she was SO FAR AWAY!!! (i was parked so close to the enterance)....so then analee and steph, being the good freinds they are, ran after her while i started the car....finally brought her back and HOLY FUCK she was crying sooo much and then started to bitch us (well actually just ME) out!!!......she said we always blame her for everytihng and SHIT LIKE THAT:@...so then i dropped of analee first (thank u analee for everything last night:D).....and then i dropped of that ungrateful bitch...but she didnt want me to drop her off at her house...but instead at the end of her street...at 12 30am:S....but im like NO I AM DROPPING U OFF ON UR DRIVEWAY!.,,,and shes like NO i need to cool off!!!......so i was like fuck fine...and steph was like "u think we shold wait and see if she goes home?." and i was like "fuck that shit its not my problem" cause i was SO FED UP!.....i felt like a fuckin BABYSITTER last night lookin after a fuckin 2 yr old!:@....like FUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkk

and now..our friendship will DEFINATLY not be the same:@...


it was soooooooooooooooo much fun!..they played good music!...and ya it was just awesome!...dancing was fun...LOL...sourabh did u have a good time????

ok i think this has been my longest entry so i shall end it now but i have to say one more thing..

TODAY IS FABIOLAS BDAY SO HAPPY BDAY FABIOLA!!!!...and tomorrow is sourabhs and amandas bday so HAPPY BDAY SOURABH and AMANDA!!!...I LOVE U AmaNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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