One of my personal highlights from Dragon*Con -- Ben Browder rocks!
One of the wonderful things about Dragon*Con is the autograph tables. Each actor has a table, and sits there much of the time they're not speaking on a panel. There are a lot of actors from many different series/genres, so the lines for each actor usually aren't very long. The actors are free to spend as much time talking to the fans as they want, and it is a true pleasure to have a chance to chat and not get rushed along.
There were signs saying, "No photography!" in the autograph rooms, but it didn't seem to be consistently enforced. Some of the actors allowed photos while they were signing; a few were posing with people at their tables. I suspect the "no photography" might have been aimed at people taking pix from a distance, rather than asking each actor if it was OK.
Ben Browder was absolutely wonderful :-) The first day, I asked him about a comment he'd made on his panel about scifi not getting the respect it deserves. He said that the farther he gets from Farscape, the more he realizes that scifi is an art form, and more than just tv. He thinks that people will look back on this the way they look back at Shakespeare's writing or Impressionist paintings! There's more creativity in scifi than in any other genre, and that mainstream writers are finally starting to realize this and cross over. He is *really* passionate about scifi -- it's more than just a way to pay the bills for him, which is really cool :-)
The second day we went back with a really cool pic of him dressed as the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz spoof they did in episode "200". He started singing, "If a man's an empty kettle..." then wrote "Just an empty kettle" on the print and signed it. He has a really nice voice! (I didn't realize until later that he sang/wrote the tin man's words rather than the scarecrow's, but it was still really, really cool :-D)
He is truly an amazing person :-)