Tired of the Food Service Industry

Jan 04, 2013 18:14

Long ago, back when this journal was first formed, I actually enjoyed working in Food Service. I really loved meeting the various flavours of people that whirled in and out of my life every day. We had little exchanges, and I got to learn a lot about people in general through close study. I watched for physical and behavioural ticks, I learned to uncover people psychologically, and I just enjoyed watching people as I interacted with them. I loved making them smile, and the Asian-Grandmother inside of me loved feeding people.

But almost 10 years later, I can no longer share that attitude. I'm now 26, and I've been working in restaurants or hospitality since I was 16. (Easy math, I know.) Now, I fear I've turned quite bitter. I no longer derive the same joy from giving others a good experience. In fact, all I see now are people acting entitled and people taking my work for granted.

An example from New Year's Day Brunch:

Moi: "Here's your table."
Il: "I don't want to sit here."
Moi: "...you...don't want a table at a booked restaurant?"

Followed by:

Il: "What about those tables?"
Moi: "Those were reserved by people who requested booths."
Il: "And those?"
Moi: "We have a party for eight coming in. If I seat you there, they won't have anywhere to sit."
Il: "Well, I was here first, shouldn't I get to pick?"

That sort of behaviour is inexcusable to me. I can't fathom why everything thinks that they're more important than everyone else. But then, it hit me. We constantly reward this sort of behaviour. In our culture, we're all about giving someone an 'experience', treating someone like a king or queen as they enter our establishment. It's not just the food we're selling, it's the atmosphere and personality of a place, all catered to you.

What does this get us?

People who expect to be treated. They expect everything to go their way. They take it as a personal insult when it doesn't. When they complain, they expect us to MAKE IT BETTER. And time and time again we do. Because a bad review can hurt us. Bad word of mouth can hurt our business! We're at the mercy of people who act entitled, silly and rude, and we can't go against them! There's no way to punish someone who complains foolishly. (Yes, I do understand the difference between a valid complaint and a churlish one. Remember that some people complain with the sole purpose of getting free food, so I've learned to differentiate.)

Some people complain simply because they can. The meal was amazing, the service was great, but I gave you a bad review because when I called to tell you that I enjoyed myself, YOU DIDN'T CARE. (True story.)

The server DIDN'T SMILE AT ME. (Maybe I'm tired, friend.)

The server DIDN'T OFFER ME DESSERT. (You didn't finish your meal.)

It's alarming to me the number of people who have forgotten "please" and "Thank you", but will then turn and chastise their children for that self-same mistake.

I went to a coffeehouse, smiled, asked the barista how he was doing (genuinely), and he smiled and said: "You're the first person who's done that today." And I was appalled.

I went to a movie theatre, smiled, bought a soda, and was very friendly to the cashier. Later, I went out and asked if the register was still open, wondering if I could get another drink. He said no, but he would give it to me on the house. So I put the $4 that would've bought the oversized soda into his tip jar. I smiled. I thanked him profusely. I didn't expect it, and I didn't act like I was entitled to it.

I try my best to be level headed and kind with people, and it seems to do me just fine. I don't understand why people can't afford everyone else the same courtesy.

And that brings me back to my first point: This is why I'm tired with Food Service. Because we have no choice but to reward peoples' bad behaviours. When people don't tip us, we can't ask why. (And if we do, we risk being terminated!) When people get sticker shock when we don't hook them up, and it shows on their check, they get bitter, because "They deserved a free drink". For why? Why do you deserve a free drink when everyone else pays? Some people ask for free things. Why? Why do you get it when everyone else pays for it?

Basically, I'm tired of pandering to people who don't deserve it.
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