
Nov 13, 2009 19:48

Title: Soup!
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho
Ratings: PG
Summary: Secret admirer again!

---Jaejoong as main character----

Jaejoong stood outside of the dance studio, waiting, searching, looking.

"Okay! The coast is clear! Go go go!" Jaejoong said to himself.

He crept silently into the dance studio and took a peek around. It was the first time he walked into this dance studio, although he had dreamt many times how the dance studio Yunho practiced in would look like. He crept over to the table at the very end of the studio. He sat down on the chair, picturing the times Yunho was in the room, while he himself, had been secretly standing outside the door, admiring the dance movements that Yunho made with every single beat of the music. Yunho was a great dancer, that fact was never disputed. And Jaejoong admired him deeply just because of that reason.

Jaejoong silently placed the item on the desk, along with the letter that he had painstakingly prepared for this very day. He grinned foolishly to himself, and stared at the object on the table silently.

"Yah Yunho, so for the performance later, you will be dancing to this part right?" Jaejoong vividly heard Yunho's manager. Footsteps echoed down the hallway, eerily amplifying the sudden outcome that was going to happen.

"Arh yes Manager Hyung. In fact, I think I'm going to practice it now. We can talk further about the details of the performance later in the dance studio." Yunho replied smoothly.

Jaejoong stood up, too panicked to mantain a calm appearance. 'He cannot and must not find me in this room, with that flask of soup I made personally on the table! And with the letter!' He ran out of the room immediately, praying that Yunho and his manager were not close enough to spot him easing his way of the room. He slipped out of the room successfully, turning the corner just as Yunho and his manager walked around the corner. If he had been one step slower, he would have definitely been caught red-handed. He heaved a sigh of relief, placing his palm over his heart in an attempt to calm himself down from all that adrenaline.

----Yunho as main character----

Yunho stepped into the dance studio, thinking that something had changed in the room. Was it the atmosphere, or that someone had been in here before, without his knowledge? He shook his head vigorously, blaming it on his lack of sleep nowadays.

"Yah Yunho, there's something here for you I think. You...may want to read it." The manager said, before running out of the room before he could burst out into laughter.

Yunho raised an eyebrow at the departing guy, and walked towards the table at the end of the room. He spotted the red flask on the table and opened it. A whift of the pork ribs soup beckoned him to look closer into the contents of the flask, and Yunho spotted his favourite Korean food. He smiled happily to himself, at least, there is something to look forward to after his performance. He glanced down at the table, and noticed the note placed next to the flask. On it was 'Yunho', written in large fonts and a cursive manner. He opened it to take a look.

Dear Yunho,

I hope you will enjoy the soup I made for you! No matter what, please remember that I will be cheering wholeheartedly for you! ^^ All the best for your performance later! And don't over-tire yourself! ^^

your best fan ever.

Yunho smiled smugly to himself. Didn't his secret admirer know that he already knew his exact identity and appearance? He discreetly threw a glance over his shoulder and looked through the mirror. There, Jaejoong was standing there and trying to calm himself down by breathing deeply. Jaejoong didn't seem to realise that the mirrors in the dance studio are able to reflect what was going on around corner as well. He walked over to the door, and stood there.

"Idiot! If you want to give me soup, at least stay back next time so I can finally thank you for all these yummy good all these while! Don't hide from me around the corner!" Yunho exclaimed loudly.

---Jaejoong as the main character----

Jaejoong couldn't believe his ears. How in the world did Yunho know that he was just around the corner? He swung his head around, and pressed himself further to the wall. He looked up, and noticed the mirror that was staring at him right in the face. He stood rigidly, stunned. He let out a sigh. He could not believe that Yunho actually already knew it was him from the very start! He walked out, turning the corner, to face Yunho.

Both of them smiled foolishly at each other, a little shy, yet they seemed to know that this meeting was only a matter of time.

"Yah Jaejoong, next time, make ramen for me!"

rating: g, -.- this is an epic fail, length: woah it's a one-shot!, pairing: jaejoong/yunho!, genre: romance o.o, genre: fluff o.o

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