Title: Workings of the mind
Author: xoxo_nat_xx
Pairing: Yesung/Ryeowook
Ratings: PG
Summary: There’s this special bond between him and Yesung, and Ryeowook cherishes it, because it feels unique, out of the world type, and Ryeowook feels like it can develop into something better.
This is enough )
and I realised I'm a fail!yewook fanfic writer because I don't even have any yewook icons. *flails*
Oooh you should grab some icons! =D
Yes omg yewook icons I should probably start finding some epic pictures of them together and do one proper yewook icon which I can spam when commenting on yewook fics.
You commenting makes me very happy, I don't know why.
*Does alien speak*
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