
Nov 13, 2009 20:49

Title: Worthy
Author: xoxo_nat_xx
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Ratings: PG
Summary: Sequel to 'Undeserving'. Adjustment?
A/N: Happy birthday Donghae! ^^v

Dedicated to Einji. Happy? XD


You survey the caps that are placed neatly on the table, a small frown evident between your eyebrows as you ponder over which to bring along. As if you can sense me scrutinizing you, you lift your head and gaze at me, a small smile crawling onto your face. I feel a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as well, and I try my best to quell the urge to laugh a lot, preferring to adopt a solemn expression instead. I cough behind my palm, turning my face away so you will not see my amused appearance.

You let out a small 'hrmph' and you pout at the array of caps, still unable to decide which one to bring along. I roll my eyes; you are getting worse these days, taking such a long time to decide which cap to wear along, on a trip to the nearby supermarket. At least I do understand now, after that heartfelt confession and explanation that followed later on. I try my best to accommodate you, but sometimes I just feel a little helpless and lost, and I wonder if it is possible to make our relationship public without destroying your showbiz career.

You tug my hand playfully, pulling me over to your side. Surprised, I raise an eyebrow at you, sticking out my lower lip just a little unconsciously. You poke my cheek, grinning that smile of yours, and I know somehow, deep down, I have already forgiven you for all those previous times; I'm just such a sucker for your smiles. You close your eyes and raise your left palm up, moving your hand over the various caps, and finally settling on one. You open your eyes and pick it up, smiling at your choice.

"Why do you need so long to choose a cap?" I ask, a little curious. You never seem to mind your appearance before, because you always wanted to hide in the shadows and make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, as small as possible, in the past. A cap is just something to make you blend into the surroundings, though somehow, you seem to be always just so striking to me, like a spotlight is eternally trained on you, in my perspective.

You smile at me, pulling me slightly closer. Raising your hand, you place the cap over my head and stand back, surveying my overall appearance. Satisfied, you nod at me and give me a thumbs-up, to which I respond with a confused look.

"All the caps seem to suit you so well; I had a difficult time choosing which one you should wear." You grin, adjusting the angle of the cap on my head. There is this warm feeling that creeping over my heart, and I can't help it but smile at your silly antics. Holding firmly onto my hand, you grab the house keys and tuck them into your back pocket, and you ruffle my hair mischievously.

With your eyes sparkling, you put on a pair of sunglasses and beam widely at me, pulling me out of the front door.

"Let's go."


You bounce over to me, holding cartons of strawberry milk in your hands. You push them towards me, for me to place them in our shopping trolley. You shrug casually, but I know you got these especially for me. I mouth a silent 'thank you', and you cough awkwardly, turning away, but not fast enough to hide that smile of yours from me. I glance up at the ceiling and bite my lips, trying my best to prevent that smile from growing across my face as well and make me look like a complete idiot grinning to myself.

We push the trolley together, as we walk from row to row to decide what to buy. You are just so immature at times, that I just wonder why I am attached to a child in the first place. You flail your arms wildly around at every single thing you see, and you plead and beg with me to put that into our cart. (With those eyes of yours, you nearly made me follow your will, I swear.) I shake my head and adopt a stern and strict expression, and finally, finally manage to put you out of your current craze with whatever is in your hands. And that is, until we reach another product.

Before I can stop you, you run forward, towards the wine section. You appraise the selection of wines, frowning slightly as if you are a wine connoisseur. You raise your hand and shift it around, before resting it on one bottle. You pick it up and hold it up against the light, looking right through the white wine, straight at me. I tilt my head to one side to ask you a silent question, and you smirk at me, as if I don't know the answer myself. I kick the floor and you walk towards me, placing the bottle of wine in the cart.

"Wine for the birthday boy?" You ask simply, staring right into my eyes. I quickly avoid your gaze by pretending to study the wine you have picked, and I swear your smirk grew even more pronounced. "You know, you haven't exactly wished me happy birthday yet…." You state, expectant as you look at me with those eyes of yours, and you take my hands in yours. I feel the warm heat crawling up my cheeks and I'm sure the blush is rather pronounced now.

"Uhm..Donghae…happy birth-"

"Oh my god. Is that Lee Donghae!" I hear something between an exclamation and shriek coming from behind me, and I whirl around instinctively, still clutching that bottle of wine in my hands. A girl of about age 17 is staring past me, at the guy beside me, and I give a little start. I quickly draw my hands away and drop them beside me. In the matter of 5 seconds, you are already surrounded by avid fans and I can't even spot you among that crowd anymore, which I am sure wasn't there 3 seconds ago.

I exhale, smiling a little at my foolishness. Of course, you will definitely meet fans here; I can't possibly expect that no one recognizes you these days, a new and upcoming global star on the rise. I place the wine bottle carefully back into the trolley, drumming my fingers on to the handle as I rack my brains, thinking about the next thing on the shopping list. I had insisted earlier that you make a list, but you just smiled at me and poked at your temple, proudly boasting of your superb memory. I give a sigh as I see the ardent and fervent fans clamoring for your attention, pushing all their notebooks and pens in your direction, or in the direction which I think you are at, because you are just swamped by them.

I turn the trolley away and push it in the general direction of the seafood direction, because I think you told me you wanted some seafood for your birthday dinner. I cross my fingers and hope with all my heart that I still haven't lost my cooking skills (non-existent) that my mum has taught me a week before.

A familiar hand wraps around mine, and tugs me right into the middle of the crowd. I gasp, as I lose my grip on the handle; but somehow I feel rather secure, because I instinctively and immediately know that it's your hand.

"Where do you think you are going?" You whisper right into my ear, and you nod politely at the fans close to you. You entwine your hand even firmly with mine, and you bring our clasped hands behind your back, as if you are shielding me from the public. The fans never seem to notice anything, as they continue to insistently push their notebooks into your face, or our faces now. You play with my fingers slightly, as you take a pen and sign your name.

"Wait." You murmur so softly, that I know that is meant for me. I have to clamp down on my lips so hard to prevent that smile from spreading, and I try really hard in order to achieve this feat. You continue to smile widely, and offer a kind word to every single fan in front of you, but I know that your attention is on me.

"Lee Donghae." I think simply to myself. "It's your birthday, but why do I feel like I'm the one receiving a present today instead?" I look down at our joined hands, and a fuzzy feeling settles within my heart.

After half an hour, you turn towards me, happy that you have satisfied your fans and make them content with that signature of yours.

"Ready? Let's go settle the bill." You grin, pulling me forward as I stupidly just stare at our linked hands. You stop abruptly, once you see that I'm rooted to the spot, unmoving.

"What's wrong, Eunhyuk?" You frown, worried.

"Happy birthday, Donghae." I smile, and I lean forward, pulling you into my embrace. It's my turn to give you your present, after you give me my unofficial one, on your very own 24th birthday.

"Happy birthday." I murmur as I take a deep breath, inhaling your scent. You chuckle softly as you wrap your arms around me, accepting my hug. I feel my mouth curling up into a smile; I can live like this, with you, forever.


A/N: Birthday fic for Donghae! Happy birthday Donghae! 24 now!~ ^^ Please continue to be like what you are now, remember ELFs always love you a lot! Enjoy the remaining 1 hour of your birthday (LOL) and I hope the year ahead is a memorable one for you. Hwaiting always, and keep that silly nature of yours, cos we all love you for who you are.

rating: g, focus: eunhyuk!~, genre: romance o.o, length: woah how about two-shots?, genre: fluff o.o, pairing: eunhyuk/donghae!

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