Dec 24, 2006 07:59
HEEEEEEYYYYYY I SHOUDL HAVE MY LANDLINE BACK!!!! So i think everyone should phone me even i its only for a few minutes. Julia since ive phoned you it is compulsary. Grandparents, parents and any other blood ties including jenny it is also cumpulsary. Meimei s such as hilary. caroline, charlotte and emma i think you should also deffinately phone since ive not heard your voices in such a long time and it would make my christmas. If you read this after christmas feel very guilty and phone to make up. In general - EVERYONE SHOULD AND HAS TO PHONE ME!!!
heres the number
with the dongying code attached 0546 8588570
code to china attached (i think but if id doesnt work call mother, she worked it out) # 0086 546 8588570
What elso to say? Ive been invited out for a meal tonight, earlier on i had to fuwuyan turn up at my door which i didn't expect. I did arrage it but last week they didnt turn up so i assumentthey wouoldnt do it tonight either. Was rather embarrasing since i was wearing my paint stained pyjamers and my room was a mess. But two hours later and we were doing pretty well, progressing steadily through one of the books. It was good, and shall tidy my room for next week. Its rather fun here actually, dinner out tonight, and tomoroow and the day after so am celebrating in a type of manner. Shall have a summer christmas which i think is much more original. Present exchanges are always fun.